How to get funding in Spain without dying trying

The search for Capital to launch or grow a business is essential, so preparation before starting to obtain funding in Spain is essential. Not only must we know how to “sell” our project or idea, but it is essential to know who we are going to try to sell it to...

On February 18, during the 5th edition of the My Company Show, Patrick Hunt , managing partner of Intelectium, gave a talk under the title”How to “Make Venture Capital Fall in Love””, given its possible interest to many entrepreneurs, we share some of its contents in this blog. The search for Capital to launch or grow a business is essential, so preparation before starting to search for this type of investor is essential. We don't just need to know”sell” our project or idea, but it is essential to know who we are going to try to sell it to, how it works, what interests it has, previous investments, etc. This prior knowledge of the potential Venture Capital investor can prevent problems in the future that could ruin the project or even worse, that it ends up in the hands of third parties. According to Patricio, Private Equity in Spain is expected to grow in number of transactions this year. These transactions still amount to less than 1 million euros in 74% of cases and the most attractive sectors for this type of investor are Industrial Products and Services, Medicine/Health, Biotechnology and Information Technology, according to data from the Spanish Association of Venture Capital Entities (ASCRI) cited at the conference. In order to be attractive to Venture Capital, it is important to know what they are usually looking for in a potential investment. To have a prototype, to be in a large market with potential, to be a project with at least 2 dedicated entrepreneurs Fulltime At the same time, having high customer retention... are good points for attracting Venture Capital. During the preparation phase, the presentation also emphasizes being able to provide metrics and sales, these are two points that, together with the business plan, are key for potential investors. We leave you with the presentation in Slideshare, which also includes some success stories of recent projects that managed to attract Venture Capital.

Patricio Hunt presentation at MiEmpresa Show 2014 From FriendlyBrand