Illusion is the supreme form of interest

Alejandro Suárez said in a recent paper on technological and human changes that in the coming years it will not be necessary to be a 100% entrepreneur, but to live in a more entrepreneurial way.

Coaching emprendedores

He said Alejandro Suárez in a recent paper on technological and human changes that in the coming years It's not going to be necessary to be one hundred percent entrepreneur, but to live in a more entrepreneurial way. This reasoning is one of the arguments he used. Manuela Souto in a recent talk at TED La Rioja. According to her, we can all hope to be entrepreneurs. Or, at least, it's worth trying.

Manuela Souto is an expert in training and coaching for executives, and presented her project at TED La Rioja VETIA. The acronyms correspond to the conditions that, according to her, correspond to the process of entrepreneurship:

Vision. To have a vision, Souto says, you have to imagine. To see and feel ourselves in a future situation. It's okay to dream, because by taking our imagination seriously we will discover ourselves and we will know how to discern the objectives of pure fantasy.

Emotion. We all create ideas. Some, affordable. Others, apparently unfeasible. But in entrepreneurship it is essential to enter into an emotional state that forces you to learn, to train yourself, to face those ideas that, in principle, you see as unfeasible. “Life isn't what happens, it's how you deal with it,” Souto says.

Crew. No matter how crazy your idea seems. There will always be someone who likes it and who gets involved. The obligation of an entrepreneur is, according to Souto, to search for and find those people. You have to be more headhunting for your company and less a victim of doomsday opinions about your project.

Ilusión. Manuela Souto quotes Julián Marías: “Illusion is the supreme form of interest”. Curiosity and interest, according to Souto, lead to enthusiasm. The entrepreneur sees valuable time where others see dead time.

Action. Souto warns that when it seems that a project is going to start rolling, the most normal thing is for the entrepreneur to block himself, either because of technical redefinitions or because of fears. Manuela Souto gives guidelines:

  • Avoid radical changes. 'All or nothing' thoughts lead to nothing. Action is the sum of small increments. Progress is not made with giant steps, but with small, rectifiable steps.
  • Don't skip the phases. Don't fight with problems that you see in phases after the one you haven't finished yet.
  • If something doesn't work, change. It seems obvious, but Souto says that the lack of flexibility is the cause of the blockade in the action phases of many companies.