Students are increasingly entrepreneurial

Entrepreneurial students pass by an average of 6 out of 10. Young people who study and work have greater entrepreneurial initiative.

  • Students pass an average of 6 out of 10 in entrepreneurship
  • Young people who study and work have a greater entrepreneurial initiative, as do the children of self-employed workers.

The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in collaboration with the Complutense Office of Madrid has prepared a Research on the psychological variables involved in entrepreneurial attitude and initiative. This study, led by Professor María Inmaculada López Núñez, from the Department of Differential and Work Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of the UCM, has evaluated a total of 1,222 university students with 27 degrees, 100 real entrepreneurs and another 200 higher level vocational training students. This work has been carried out with a double objective: to apply the results of this entrepreneurial approach to training and education, while creating a map of a university entrepreneurial profile. Inmaculada López highlights throughout the study, the need to approach entrepreneurship from a psychological perspective, since it is often done only from an economic perspective and, in entrepreneurship, human reality is what makes the difference. Personality, emotional intelligence, problem solving and coping, and tolerance for ambiguity have been the psychological traits and variables studied in this research. Those who are extroverted, with problem-solving strategies and emotional regulation, are those with the most points when it comes to entrepreneurship.The students examined have an entrepreneurial initiative level of 6 out of 10, with Master's students (7.75 on average) having the highest scores, followed by bilingual Degrees in ADE (7.58), Speech Therapy (7.33) and Fine Arts (7.29). The lowest entrepreneurial initiative is among students in International Relations (3.92) and Double Degree in Law-Politics (4.00). These results indicate that students have passed in entrepreneurship. An optimistic fact and a good starting point for improving youth employability. In this regard, more and more university students are aware that entrepreneurship is a possibility for the future.Source: EFE Emprends