Find out how to identify and calculate Break Even, the time when your company will start to make profits.
In the business world, the Anglo-Saxon term “footprint” is often used to describe the geographical scope of a company's operations.
CLV is an important metric because it allows us to understand how much value we can expect a customer to generate throughout their life cycle.
Not finding a product market fit with the first version of your product on the market can be beneficial for you. Find out why!
The cost of customer retention refers to the expenses and resources that a company allocates to maintaining its existing customers.
In the world of SaaS startups, the churn rate is key to evaluating the health and growth of a business. Find out how to measure it!
The burn rate, or effective consumption rate, refers to the speed at which a company burns or uses its cash reserves. Find out how to calculate it!
Discover our basic guide to understanding ROI: a key metric that you should keep track of in your startup.
Co-founders are not essential for the creation of a startup, but they are very useful for its success, especially in the earliest stages.
Making a rigorous and accurate Accounting Close is one of the most important tasks in a company. Find out how you can do it!
The time that analysts spend reading a Pitch Deck has been reduced to 2:42 minutes... Find out how to attract the investment your startup needs.
In the article, we will analyze what are the bases for having a good entrepreneurial team and having a good working dynamic in a startup.