Person in possession of any of the following titles:
a.) Official Spanish Degree for Graduate or Master's Degree within the new European Higher Education Area.
b.) Official Spanish degree for Bachelor, Engineer, Architect, Diploma, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect.
c.) Official Spanish title of Higher Vocational Training Technician.
d.) If you are in possession of a foreign degree, this qualification must be comparable in training to any of the above.
In addition, they cannot have been linked by employment contract with the entity receiving the aid in the year prior to the publication of the call, nor have been hired in the same period by any other entity that is part of the group of companies to which, if any, the beneficiary belongs. Nor may he have been previously linked by employment contract to entities receiving aid financed by the EMPLEA subprogram for the same purpose. In addition, at the time of publication of this call, you cannot count on a share in the entity's capital that implies a capacity for direct or indirect control (generally, the participation must be less than 25%; for spin-offs or JEIs there are special conditions).