The new Startups Act in Spain has brought with it a series of measures aimed at strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem, positioning the country as a global benchmark in innovation. Among these initiatives, the Emerging Enterprise Certificate stands out, an indispensable resource for startups seeking to stand out in the international market and attract foreign investment.
Model 165, officially known as the “Informative Declaration of individual certifications issued to partners or shareholders of new or recently created entities” plays a crucial role in supervising contributions made to newly created companies.
The Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) has launched two specific funding lines to support companies affected by Isolated Depression at High Levels (DANA) in municipalities declared to be areas seriously affected by civil protection emergencies.
The grants granted through the Industrial Doctorate Program are intended for the training of doctors and doctors in companies and other entities capable of developing an R+D+i project.
The Canarias Stars 2025 call has a total budget of 2 M€ and seeks to support emerging companies and promote innovative entrepreneurship in strategic sectors defined in the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2021-2027.
Financial leverage is a key strategy in the business world, allowing companies to use external funds to expand their operations, increase their profitability and access new investment opportunities.
A CFO or chief financial officer brings improvements in strategic planning, risk management and regulatory compliance. Discover the signs that indicate the need for a CFO, such as rapid growth and financial complexity.
The CDTI manages several lines of funding for Research, Development and Innovation projects. Discover the main differences between two of the main lines: the PID line of partially repayable loans and the Cervera line.
Enisa is a co-investment loan, meaning that it co-invests with private investors, whether they are business angels or venture capital funds. Find out in what situations they can apply for an Enisa and when is the best time to request one.