Do you have a company based in Catalonia dedicated to the circular economy? Discover all the available help.
Nuclis Green R&D in Circular Economy, in the field of waste
- Objective: Help companies to carry out R&D projects related to waste with the objective of initiating new processes in the company or improving existing ones based on technological innovations.
- Beneficiaries: Companies individually or in cooperation with other local companies, international partners or with TECNIO accredited agents.
- Type of help: Grants of up to 250,000€ to develop projects in the applicant company's production process or to implement them in a third party. Projects must have a minimum budget of 120,000€.
- Deadline for submitting applications: The call is scheduled for the 2nd-3rd quarter of 2024.
- More information: https://www.accio.gencat.cat/ca/serveis/innovacio/tecnologia-i-rd-per-a-empresa/nuclis-rd-empresarial/
ACCIO Green coupons
- Objective: Identify opportunities for technological innovation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or reduce the company's vulnerability to the climate emergency.
- Beneficiaries: SMEs with an operational establishment in Catalonia and with at least 2 years of life, at the time of publication of the call.
- Type of help: Grants of up to 8,000€. Actions may be related to the use of technologies to develop sustainable materials, to move towards renewable energy, to work to improve the efficiency of the use of water, energy or biodiversity, among others.
- Deadline for submitting applications: The call is scheduled for the 2nd-3rd quarter of 2024.
- More information: https://www.accio.gencat.cat/ca/serveis/innovacio/innovacio-empresarial/cupons-accio-a-la-competitivitat-de-lempresa/
Grants for ACCIÓ's open and disruptive innovation projects
- Objective: Enable beneficiary companies to move forward with new disruptive initiatives. One of the key challenges identified is the industry's transition to the circular economy and/or sustainability.
Line 1: Projects for the ideation and development of new disruptive initiatives
- Beneficiaries: Innovative companies with the capacity and will to transform and that are, at least, 5 years old.
- Type of help: Grants of up to €25,000.
- Eligible expenses: Own or newly hired staff; external collaborator who is an expert in new business transformation methodologies or outsourcing other expertise related to the project.
Line 2: Startup collaborations - collaborating company
- Beneficiaries: Technological startups with less than 8 years of life.
- Type of help: Grants of up to €25,000.
- Eligible expenses: Staff from the startup itself and outsourcing other experiences related to the project.
- Deadline for submitting applications: The call is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2024.
- More information: https://www.accio.gencat.cat/ca/serveis/innovacio/catalonia-exponential/ajuts-disrupcio/
Grants for projects to promote the circular economy from the Catalan Waste Agency
- Objective: Promotion of projects to accelerate the transition to a circular economy in Catalonia, improve efficiency in the use of material resources and decouple global economic development from resource consumption.
- Beneficiaries: Private companies and groups of private companies. (Class A or B projects) as well as business organizations whose purpose is to represent the interests of a business sector, provided that they are of a private nature and with their own legal personality or unions (Class C Projects).
- Type of help: Grants of up to 60,000€ per project, with a maximum intensity of between 50-75%.
- Eligible projects:
- Projects for the implementation of new products or services in the market.
- Projects for obtaining and testing prototypes or demonstration projects for new products or services.
- Sectorial studies with communication actions for business or trade union associations
- Deadline for submitting applications: The call is scheduled for the 3rd-4th quarter of 2024.
- More information: https://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajut_ACC_3352_2022_economia_circular.html
Aids for the prevention, preparation for reuse and recycling of RI
- Objective: Promotion of the implementation of prevention projects, preparation for the reuse and recycling of industrial waste and industrial research and experimental development projects applied to the field of prevention, preparation for reuse and recycling of industrial waste.
- Beneficiaries: Companies and groups of companies with an operational center in Catalonia.
- Type of help: Grants of up to 100,000 -120,000 € per project.
- Deadline for submitting applications: The call is scheduled for the 2nd-3rd quarter of 2024.
- More information: https://residus.gencat.cat/ca/consultes_i_tramits_-_nou/tramits/detall/Ajut_ACC_3848_2022_prevencio_ri
Grants for energy efficiency and circular economy projects for tourism companies
- Objective: Increase the competitiveness of tourism companies, through:
- Improving the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope
- Improvement of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy in thermal heating, air conditioning, cooling, ventilation and hot water installations
- Improving the energy efficiency of lighting installations
- Beneficiaries: Companies and professionals in: hotel establishments; hotels, hotels, apartments, hostels and pensions; campsites; rural tourism establishments and tourist apartments.
- Type of help: Grants with a maximum intensity of between 20-50%, for projects with a minimum budget of €20,000.
- Deadline for submitting applications: Open until December 31, 2024.
- More information: https://canalempresa.gencat.cat/ca/integraciodepartamentaltramit/tramit/PerTemes/Ajuts-per-a-projectes-deficiencia-energetica-i-economia-circular-dempreses-turistiques
Grants for the promotion of the circular economy in the textile and fashion and plastic sectors within the framework of the PERTE for Circular Economy
- Objective: Promote the sustainability and circularity of industrial and business processes to improve the competitiveness and innovation of textiles and fashion and plastics within the framework of a circular economy that surpasses the previous linear production model.
- Beneficiaries: Legal persons with their own legal personality, social economy entities, provided that they are not part of the public sector and the groups of the previous ones whenever they are part of an SME, start-up or social economy entity.
- Eligible actions: Those that reduce the consumption of virgin raw materials, reduce waste generation and/or improve waste management, contributing substantially to the transition to a circular economy. Projects should fall into one of the following categories:
- Research and development.
- Digitalization to innovate in terms of processes and organization.
- Increase in the level of environmental protection of the beneficiaries.
- Improving the management of waste from third parties.
- Deadline for submitting applications: Until December 31, 2024 (provisional).
- More information: https://www.accio.gencat.cat/ca/serveis/cercador-ajuts-empresa/ajutsiserveis/23259-next-generation-eu-ajuts-economia-circular-textil-moda-plastic?utm_source=NGEU&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NGEU&utm_content=84-imatge
Activate startups
- Objective: Promote the digital transformation of SMEs through collaboration with startups to promote open innovation and help them to incorporate or develop new technologies or move towards more sustainable business models.
- Beneficiaries: The Activa Startups program is aimed at SMEs and emerging companies.
- Type of help: Grants of up to €40,000, aimed at financing the expenses derived from the innovation processes of SMEs through collaboration with startups.
- Eligible actions:
- Actions based on the validation and adoption of disruptive technologies that can be used to develop new products, processes or services.
- Actions based on the digitalization of SMEs, the transfer of knowledge and technology, proof of concept or prototype production, among others.
- Deadline for submitting applications: Pending the opening of the new call.
- More information: https://www.accio.gencat.cat/ca/serveis/innovacio/startups-i-innovacio-disruptiva/programa-activa-startups/index.html
At Intelectium we are experts in obtaining this type of aid. We help you assess your company's eligibility for the call. Once analyzed, we prepare a detailed report to be able to make the request and obtain the aid. We operate under a completely success-oriented model, in which we don't charge initial set up fees to start working, but we are at risk and only get paid if we get funding for the company.
Get in touch with us hither to be able to receive expert advice without any commitment.