Biz Barcelona: 3 interviews with entrepreneurs on Twitter

#bizinterview Biz Barcelona

This week has been especially fruitful in the world of entrepreneurship. Several powerful events in which not only Spanish entrepreneurs and investors could be seen, but also players outside the Spanish market. This is the case of Foundum Unplugged, who on Wednesday summoned important venture capital figures and entrepreneurs to speak in person about their projects. And all in one afternoon.

This same model of Speed Networking was adopted at the other two important events: Biz Barcelona, held on Wednesday and Thursday (hosting SIME this last day), and The Innova Network.

For those who were unable to attend, Biz Barcelona adopted an interesting model of interviewing several entrepreneurs participating in the event via Twitter. We collected, here, several interesting questions/answers (these are not necessarily the opinions of Intelectium).

Xavier Verdaguer (@XavierVerdaguer), an entrepreneur from Barcelona based in Silicon Valley, was the first to answer user questions:

@RubenBaston He began by asking Verdaguer for the advantages of innovating from Silicon Valley, rather than from Barcelona. “You can do it anywhere! But Silicon Valley is optimal for disruptive projects with 10x returns,” Xavier replied.

@cverges: Undertaking alone or with a friend? XV: “Co-undertake and complement each other. Cooperation!”.

@antia_paz: Is a project worth it even if it is initially deficient? XV: “Make meaning and you'll end up making money”.

@rcougil: Have you failed or abandoned a project with the feeling that “it was a good idea”? XV: “Yes! Time to market...”.

Verdaguer concluded the interview with optimism: “This is the best time in history to undertake”.

Ricard Castellet (@RicardCastellet), communications director of Let's Bonus Barcelona was also submitted to the questions:

@ipacod: Which sectors do you think should make the leap to online imminently? RC: “Everyone. Those who are left behind those who don't make the leap to digital culture will be left behind, some of them are already late.”

@polrodriguezriu: Do you think that affiliate marketing is a good opportunity to launch projects on the Internet? RC: “Without a doubt! Affiliate marketing is an excellent opportunity to grow on the Net.”

AND Enric Baulenas (@EnricBaulenas), the Young Entrepreneur Award in 2010, gave his vision of entrepreneurship focusing on his sector, health tourism:

@RoberRguez: Is this a good time to start a business? EB: “It's a good time to get structured, but it's difficult to get income. We must make downward forecasts. It's also a good time to attract talent and form a good team at more competitive costs than years ago.”

@FerranSimarro: Is private health tourism a sector to be explored? EB: “We have the right atmosphere (Barcelona). And good medical reputation in the world. All that remains is to go abroad to look for alliances (partners) and set up a collaboration circuit. Great market!”

@sheila_alro: Does the clinical-healthcare sector allow greater scope for innovation? EB “Initially, just applying the management model that is applied in other sectors is already a differential fact.”

Baulenas said goodbye to Twitter users, pointing out that healthcare tourism accounts for 39 billion worldwide.

The full interviews can be reviewed on the hashtag #bizinterview