Intelectium success story: Neobit Pharma obtains an Enisa Entrepreneurs loan worth €100,000.

Neobit Pharma, specialized in the development of next-generation nutraceuticals, obtains an Enisa worth 100,000€. Discover his case!

The company, specialized in the development of next-generation nutraceuticals, is committed to a sustainable approach throughout the production process.

Neobit Pharma has been operating in the market since December 2020 as a company specialized in the development and sale of pharmaceutical products, specifically in parapharmacy products and, more specifically, in the wholesale of those known as nutraceuticals (foods or parts of them that provide medical or health benefits) .The team, made up of experts in the sector and led by Joan Xavier Marimón, has more than 20 years of experience working in the pharmaceutical industry and 15 years in the development of nutraceuticals.

The products of Neobit Pharma, currently only available at different distributors in the pharmaceutical sector, in physical establishments such as pharmacies and parapharmacies and on large platforms such as Amazon, are developed based on natural and mineral components of the highest quality, using their own formulation (developed in collaboration with external laboratories), used successfully in the creation of natural therapies.

Neobit Pharma offers its products in order to improve the quality of life of its users (who can use its products for the treatment and/or prevention of diseases such as stress, depression, anxiety and immune deficiencies), while taking care of their environment. Thus, all the active ingredients used by their suppliers are 100% natural and environmentally friendly, and are not tested on animals; achieving a completely safe, effective and natural production circuit.

For the time being, the products sold by the company are reduced to 3, although the team is working on launching new products to expand its product portfolio and increase the base of potential customers. The products available at the moment and their benefits are summarized according to the following scheme:

  • FORTABIT nature: Helps strengthen the immune system.
  • COLESBIT nature: Helps regulate cholesterol levels.
  • SERENBIT nature: It helps to calm anxiety and stress.


Enisa loans are one of the first sources of funding that entrepreneurs usually turn to to to finance their companies in the earliest stages. They are characterized by long return periods (between 7 and 9 years) and by not requiring guarantees or guarantees from entrepreneurs.

Specifically, the Enisa Entrepreneurs line offers financing in the form of participatory loans, of between 25,000 and 300,000 euros, to startups and SMEs with innovative business models and less than 24 months of age, allowing them to accelerate their growth and carry out innovation processes.

In addition, through the Enisa Digital Entrepreneurs line and Enisa Agro Pyme AgroInnpulso, companies can access participatory loans aimed at reducing the gender gap and boosting innovation and digitalization of the agri-food sector and the rural environment, respectively.

From Intelectium, we have become the leading financial partner for Neobit Pharma. The first aid we have obtained for them was the ENISA EMPRENDEDORES 2021 loan worth 100,000€. We will keep you updated on the company's news!

More: Enisa Entrepreneurs Line