Expansion Hotline is a Partially Refundable Aid, with a Repayable Tranche (TR) in loan format and a Non-Refundable Trunk (TNR) in grant format. The call remains open all year round.
What is CDTI's LIC-A objective?
It has as its objective Promote innovation in certain Spanish regions, improving the capacities of companies that propose investment plans that facilitate their growth. As of April 2020, this line extends to the entire regional aid map due to the Covid-19 situation.
What are the features of help?
It is an aid that You have up to 75% of the approved budget. The return is 7 years, with a one-year grace period from the end of the project. The company must provide 25% of the eligible costs either through its own resources or through external funding exempt from any type of public aid. The interest rate is a 1-year Euribor +1%.
What does LIC-A finance cost?
There are several bankable costs of this help, such as the Acquisition of New Fixed Assets that represent innovation and improvement of capacities in the company.
Also, the Investment Costs in Tangible Assets such as facilities, machinery and equipment or in intangible assets, such as patents, licenses, know-how and other intellectual or industrial property rights.
And in the case of large companies, the Costs of intangible assets they will only be bankable up to a limit of 50% of the total eligible investment costs of the project for the initial investment.
What length and budget should the submitted project have?
The duration of the project is between 6 and 18 months and p.The minimum budget is 175,000 euros and the maximum is 30,000,000 euros.
Incentive effect: Direct Expansion Line
Applications must be submitted before starting to work on the project, since grants must have an incentive effect. This explains what is meant by starting to work: starting construction work on investment, ordering equipment or commitments that make the investment irreversible if the date is earlier. The following are not considered the start of work: preparatory work and the purchase of land, as well as obtaining permits and carrying out feasibility studies.