CDTI Science and Innovation Missions: New call scheduled for June 2024

For the call for Science and Innovation Missions 2024, eight missions have been defined that address cross-cutting and strategic challenges facing the Spanish economy.

CDTI, through the new call for Science and Innovation Missions, seeks to finance major strategic R&D initiatives, carried out by a group of companies, with the relevant participation of research organizations, technology centers and universities, whose objective is to contribute to the development of missions identified in the call, due to their great relevance to future challenges in Spain.

Beneficiaries of CDTI Science and Innovation Missions 2024

Companies, with their own legal personality and tax address in Spain. Projects may originate from regional or interregional business consortia.

In particular, for the 2024 call, eight missions have been defined to address the cross-cutting challenges of combating climate change, promoting the energy transition, strengthening actions related to circular economy and sustainability, advancing the digitalization of industrial and economic activity, including e-health, and developing technologies that contribute to the development of the new Spanish industry:

  • Sustainability and efficiency of air transport
  • Decontamination of ecosystems
  • Buildings that are more efficient, sustainable, environmentally friendly and adapted to climate change
  • Sustainability and efficiency in processing and packaging for a quality and safe food industry
  • Safe driving adapted to new electromobility models and autonomous vehicles
  • Development and strengthening of the Spanish integrated photonics ecosystem
  • Digital health: promoting the development of biosanitary technologies based on digital systems.
  • Enabling technologies for the development of a flexible, automated, safe and intelligent logistics environment.

Type of help

Non-refundable grant with a maximum intensity of between 65 and 80% depending on the size of the company.

El payment of the aid will be made in annuities. The representative of the group may request the advance payment of up to 60% of the grant granted for the first year. The advance payment of the following annuities is conditioned on the presentation of supporting documentation for the previous annuity.

Companies must establish three quantitative (measurable) indicators that reflect the overall results of the project objectives, consistent with the selected mission. The degree of compliance with these three indicators will modulate the amount of aid ultimately received.

Main requirements of CDTI Science and Innovation Missions 2024

  • Applied R&D projects will be supported, presented by consortia from among 2 and 6 companies led by SMEs (except microSMEs) or large companies.
  • The total budget of the submitted project must be between 1.5 and 6 million euros (with a minimum of 175,000 per company).
  • The budget must include a minimum of 5% of subcontracting to research organizations.
  • The projects will last until December 31, 2025.
  • The grants for this call must have incentive effect.
  • For the purposes of this call, they are considered research bodies: public research organizations, public and private universities, public and private health entities and institutions linked or agreed with the National Health System, accredited health research institutes and Technology Centres and Centres for Supporting Technological Innovation that are registered in the register of centers. Public R&D centers dependent on Autonomous Communities and Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) will also be considered research organizations.
  • One of the participants will act as coordinator or representative of the same. The coordinator will be the interlocutor and representative of the group before the CDTI and will channel the corresponding relationships between it and the members of the group. The relationships of the group must be documentally formalized through a consortium agreement in which the rights and obligations of the different participants are established, and the natural person designated as a representative is expressly empowered. The activities and the budget within the group must be balanced, so that none of the autonomous companies in the group, nor any group of related or associated companies can exceed 50% of the eligible budget of the project.


Eligible costs

  • Personnel costs
  • Costs of inventoriable instruments and material, to the extent and during the period in which it is used for the project
  • Outsourcing: The overall cost of the outsourced activity per beneficiary may not exceed 50% of the eligible budget of that beneficiary


Application process

In order to be beneficiaries of Science and Innovation Missions, entities must submit:

  • Technical report of the project, with a clear description of the objectives and activities of the project, the quantitative indicators and the minimum content reflected in Annex II of this call.
  • Consortium agreement between the companies in the group signed by all the companies involved.
  • Documentation economic-financial.
  • Legal-administrative documentation.

Deadline for submitting applications

Pending call

We help you achieve CDTI Science and Innovation Missions

If you want to assess whether the call may fit your company or project, we can advise you without obligation. At Intelectium, we work under a successful model in obtaining public aid. We help you to identify which grants are the best fit for you and to prepare all the necessary documentation to carry out the procedure correctly until funding is obtained. You can contact us through our form or by sending an email to