Today, July 5, the 2022 call for applications for ACCIÓ Coupons opens for the company's competitiveness. Grants, as a non-refundable grant, can be exchanged for an expert advisory service.
ACCIÓ coupons will be granted to small and medium-sized companies, with operational headquarters in Catalonia, who request them, in non-competitive competition regime. Companies will be able to benefit from direct economic discounts that can be exchanged for a consulting service provided by a provider who is an expert in internationalization, innovation or new technologies. Suppliers are accredited by ACCIÓ.
More than 3,000 Catalan companies have already benefited from these coupons. In the call, the main coupons are: climate change, industry 4.0, innovation, internationalization and testing of digital technologies. Companies will be able to benefit from up to a Maximum of 3 coupons, corresponding to 3 different lines of aid, from among the 5 available lines. The subsidized projects can be implemented between January 1, 2022 and September 30, 2023.
Combating climate change
For the contracting of advisory services dedicated to combating climate change. These coupons are focused on identifying opportunities for technological innovation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or reduce the company's vulnerability to the climate emergency.
The coupon line is part of the ProAcció Green Program and is carried out in collaboration with the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda and the Climate Fund of the Government of Catalonia.
-Type of help: Grant for a maximum amount of €8,000.
-Eligible shares and amounts:
- Environmental diagnosis and a technological roadmap
- A personalized report to incorporate or develop green technologies, based on validations, tests or tests.
- A sustainability strategy.
- An action plan and recommendations for mitigation or adaptation to climate change.
-Beneficiaries: SMEs with an operational establishment in Catalonia and a minimum of 2 years of life at the date of publication of the call.
-Accredited suppliers: TECNIO accredited entities or suppliers accredited by ACCIÓ in the area of expertise of Circular Economy or Climate Change.
- Main requirements: The selected supplier must be accredited at the time of making the request for the corresponding coupon.
-Application Deadlines: From 05/07/2022 to 15/11/22 or before the budget is exhausted
Industry 4.0
For the contracting of services of innovation and the implementation of industry 4.0 technologies through the implementation of 3D printing, Big Data, Internet of Things or robotics, among others, to improve any of your products, services or processes.
-Type of help: Subsidy whose value covers the cost of the service.
-Eligible shares and amounts:
Industry 4.0 diagnostic coupon: Definition of a roadmap for the digital transformation of your company. It includes identifying opportunities to incorporate new technologies and facilitate strategic, organizational and cultural change towards industry 4.0 with the establishment of transformation plans. The amount of the grant will be a maximum of 8,000€.
Industry 4.0 implementation advice coupon: Through the defined digital transformation strategy, it includes advice on the process of integrating industry 4.0 technologies and solutions through pilot tests and projects. The amount of the grant will be at most 20,000€.
-Beneficiaries: SMEs with an operational establishment in Catalonia and a minimum of 2 years of life at the date of publication of the call.
-Accredited suppliers: TECNIO accredited entities or suppliers accredited by ACCIÓ in the RIS3CAT sector of industry 4.0 or in the area of experience of industry 4.0.
-Main requirements: The contracted TECNIO advisors or technological agents must be duly accredited at the time the grant request is made. In the case of the Industry 4.0 Implementation Advisory Coupon, it will be allowed to hire more than one accredited supplier to carry out the project. For its part, the Industry 4.0 Diagnostic Coupon allows you to hire only one accredited supplier.
-Application Deadlines: From 05/07/2022 to 15/11/22 or before the budget is exhausted
For the contracting of services of innovation to accompany key people in a company during the process of reflecting on the organization's business model and innovation and defining new initiatives in the face of changes.
-Type of help: Grant for a maximum amount of €8,000.
-Eligible shares and amounts:
An experienced consultant will accompany the company during the analysis of environmental changes, the effect they can have on the business model and on identifying new opportunities and challenges to explore. The amount of the grant will be at most 8,000€.
-Beneficiaries: SMEs (except microenterprises) with operational headquarters in Catalonia.
-Accredited suppliers: Advisors accredited by ACCIÓ who are experts in innovation management and strategy.
-Main requirements: Consultants must be accredited at the time of applying for the corresponding coupon.
-Application Deadlines: From 05/07/2022 to 15/11/22 or before the budget is exhausted
For the contracting of advisory services aimed at internationalization of the company.
-Type of help: Grant for a maximum amount of 2,500€ in the Coupon for the international promotion plan, 8,000 euros for the Coupon for the outsourcing of an export manager and 6,000 euros for the International eTrade coupon.
-Eligible shares and amounts:
-Development of a international promotion plan (product, destination countries, distribution channels, potential customers...). The amount of the grant will be a maximum of 2,500€.
-Outsourcing of a Export Manager. You can choose the professional who will assist you during the internationalization process. The amount of the grant will be a maximum of 8,000€.
-International eTrade: Facilitate the internationalization of the company through digital channels. They will be able to access an analysis of their online presence, a definition of the international digital strategy (selection and definition of markets, audiences, objectives and channels, among others) and a plan of actions in digital channels. The amount of the grant will be a maximum of 6,000€.
-Beneficiaries: SMEs with operational headquarters in Catalonia and that have invoiced a minimum of 100,000 euros in 2021. The Coupons for the development of an international promotion plan or the outsourcing of an export manager are aimed at companies with little export experience (that do not yet export or that do so up to 25% of their turnover). As for International eTrade Coupons, companies must have an international promotion plan and a website in a foreign language.
-Main requirements: L Beneficiary companies can receive up to two ACCIÓ Coupons upon internationalization, provided that one of them is the International eTrade Coupon.
-Application Deadlines: From 05/07/2022 to 15/11/22 or before the budget is exhausted
Testing of advanced digital technologies
DIH4CAT coupons for testing advanced digital technologies allow you to accelerate a company's digital transformation. You can hire expert advisory services to test and test advanced digital technologies before investing in them with the technological equipment of the Digital Innovation Hub of Catalonia.
-Type of help: Grant of up to €10,000
-Eligible actions: Technological feasibility studies, analyze new disruptive business models, carry out concept tests or develop new prototypes. The amount of the grant will be at most 10,000€.
-Beneficiaries: Companies with an operational establishment in Catalonia. Applicant companies must prove a minimum degree of digital maturity corresponding to the beginner, intermediate or advanced levels of the Digital Self-Orientation Test.
-Suppliers: Partners or technological entities formally linked to a European Digital Innovation Hub and that meet, among others, the following requirements:
- To be non-profit entities and to have an operational establishment in Catalonia.
- Accredit experience, knowledge and technical capacity in advanced digital technologies and in the provision of specialized business digitalization services.
- Have infrastructure and equipment to carry out the technology testing, experimentation and validation service with the requesting company.
- Consult all the requirements in the bases of the DIH4CAT Coupons for testing digital technologies.
-Main requirements: The DIH4CAT Digital Technology Testing Coupons only allow you to hire a single accredited supplier to carry out the subsidized action. The beneficiary company will be able to receive only one coupon from this helpline.
-Application Deadlines: It will open soon.
You can find more information about ACCIÓ coupons in the Next link.