The companies benefiting from the Enisa Agroinnpulso loans will have access to participatory loans of between 25,000 and 1.5M €.
Promote the digital transformation of companies in the agri-food sector and rural areas.
33 M€ for the period between 2021-2023.
Type of help
Participatory loans of between 25,000 and 1.5M euros.
Main conditions
- Interest rate: A first tranche with Euribor +3.75% and a second tranche with variable interest depending on the company's financial profitability, with an established maximum limit of an additional 8%.
- Commissions: Opening commission of 0.5% of the capital granted.
- Expiration: Main amortization period of up to 9 years, including a grace period of up to 7 years. -Quarterly amortization, both of principal and interest. -It does not require guarantees or guarantees.

Technology-based innovative companies that, regardless of the stage they are in (development, growth or internationalization), are part of the value chain of the agri-food sector.
Main requirements
- To be one SME, in accordance with the EU definition, with its own legal personality.
- To carry out the main activity and have a registered office in Spain. -Have a Novel Business Model, innovative or with clear competitive advantages over the competition.
- The presented business project must be Technically and economically feasible.
- Those companies receiving a loan worth more than 300,000 must have audited, externally, the financial statements of the last closed financial year. -Companies whose workforce exceeds 250 employees or has a turnover of more than 50M euros cannot be beneficiaries of an Enisa loan.
In any case, funding is conditional on the company's own funds being of a value equal to or greater than the requested funding.
Deadline for submitting applications
Although the line is open continuously 365 days a year, it is recommended to submit the application at the beginning of the year, since the commission evaluates projects based on the order of arrival.
Unlike other consulting firms, we operate 100% successfully, meaning that we are at risk and we only charge when the entrepreneur obtains funding. If your company meets these characteristics and you want to apply for an ENISA, contact us Hither and receive support to finance your startup through this line.
More: Enisa Digital Entrepreneurs