ENISA Growth 2022: Up to 1.5M€ for innovative startups

Have you just closed a round or capital increase for your company? Did you know that the Enisa Growth line equals your capital.

ENISA Growth can help you get the funding your company needs to grow.

ENISA Crecimiento offers non-convertible participatory loans to the capital of 25,000€ unto 1,500,000€ for startups with innovative business models that have already been validated in the market. In addition, it does not require personal guarantees.

Who can benefit from the Enisa Growth line?

  • The company applying for this funding must be a Startup or SME with an innovative and innovative business model.
  • The purpose of this funding method is to co-finance the company's strategic plan in the coming years.
  • The company must have sufficient own funds or have carried out a capital increase or private round.
  • The company must be more than two years old to be able to join the Enisa Growth line, if it is less than two years old, it must consider the application of Enisa Young Entrepreneurs, Enisa Entrepreneurs, Enisa Digital Entrepreneurs or Enisa Agro.

What requirements do they ask for?

In order to apply for an ENISA Growth, the startup's own funds must be a minimum equivalent to the amount of the loan.

Therefore, it is advisable to apply for ENISA to leverage private funding rounds. In addition, for approved loans for an amount greater than €300,000, the financial statements of the last closed year must be externally audited.

The last requirement is that market validation is normally in the form of recurring billing.

What type of funding is it?

ENISA Growth is a participatory loan that is not convertible to equity. Like the other ENISA lines, it is divided into two sections. The first will be EURIBOR +3.75% and the second an additional 8% maximum depending on the company's profitability. In addition, interest and principal are liquidated on a quarterly basis. The amortization of the loan is up to 9 years including the grace period that lasts up to 7 years. As for commissions, an opening fee of 0.5% of the capital granted is established.

The most representative difference between Enisa and a bank loan is that the “financing body”, in this case Enisa, is at risk with the transaction, without requiring personal guarantees or guarantees from the company's entrepreneurs.

What is the purpose of funding Enisa Crecimiento?

Co-finance the company's strategic plan for the coming years.

How much is the minimum and maximum amount of funding that can be obtained with Enisa Growth?

The minimum amount to be requested is 25,000 euros and the maximum amount is 1,500,000 euros. Although there is a maximum amount to be requested of 300,000 euros if the company does not audit accounts. The level of the businesswoman's own funds must be, at least, equal to the amount requested.

How to submit an ENISA 2022?

If you don't have the time or want to increase your chances of success in receiving funding from ENISA. At Intelectium we specialize in financing for Startups and we can relieve you of all the work involved in preparing, applying and managing them to obtain an ENISA loan.

Unlike other consulting firms, we operate 100% successfully, meaning that we are at risk and we only charge when the entrepreneur obtains funding. If your company has these characteristics and you want request an ENISA Growth, contact us hither and receive support to finance your startup through this line.