Loans granted by Enisa through the Enisa Entrepreneurs line can be accessed by projects led by entrepreneurs, with no age limit, with a seniority of less than 24 months. How to get funding from ENISA?
Enisa finances with minimum amount of €25,000 and the maximum amount of €300,000. It's about one of the best-known and most advantageous lines of funding for startups, since it is a loan for entrepreneurs, without guarantees or personal guarantees. Therefore, if unfortunately the project does not go ahead, the debt responds exclusively to the company's social assets, not to the managing partners.
ENISA Entrepreneurs is aimed at supporting SMEs promoted by entrepreneurs so that they can undertake the investments required by their project. Its main difference compared to ENISA young entrepreneurs The thing is that there is no age limit for applying for it.
Who can benefit?
This funding is aimed at newly established startups created by entrepreneurs and is intended to co-finance the company's strategic plan in the coming years. To be able to benefit from this program, the company that requests it must be a SMEs with a corporate form.
In order to purchase this type of financing, certain requirements are required. Own funds must be at least equivalent to the amount of the loan. Therefore, it is advisable to apply for ENISA to leverage private funding rounds. The company must be incorporated within 24 months prior to the application and must have market validation in the form of recurring billing.
What type of funding is it?
ENISA Entrepreneurs is applied in two tranches, the first will be EURIBOR +3.75% and the second an additional maximum of 8% depending on the company's profitability. In addition, the liquidation of interest and capital is carried out on a quarterly basis. The amortization of the loan is up to 7 years including the grace period that lasts up to 5 years. As far as commissions are concerned, an opening fee of only 0.5% of the capital granted is established.
How to submit ENISA?
The investment committee focuses on innovation as a driving factor in the company's future success. In turn, the company will be evaluated based on criteria such as:
- Market validation in the form of billing.
- Balanced financial structure and professionalism in terms of project management.
If you don't have the time or want to increase your chances of success in receiving funding from ENISA. At Intelectium we specialize in financing for Startups and we can relieve you of all the work involved in preparing, applying and managing to obtain an ENISA loan. Unlike other consulting firms, we operate 100% successfully, meaning that we are at risk and we only charge when the entrepreneur obtains funding.
Intelectium success stories in the Enisa Entrepreneurs line
Neobit Pharma
It develops state-of-the-art nutraceuticals, with natural and mineral components of the highest quality, used successfully in the creation of natural therapies.
Intelectium has been at the company's side throughout the process of drafting and preparing the materials necessary for the ENISA Entrepreneurs application, obtaining a total of 67,000€.
It has developed a platform that can detect and eliminate negative content from the network (videos and photographs uploaded without consent or false data and news).
As a reference partner of Repscan for the management and processing of public funding, we have obtained a total of 240,000€, with which the company has leveraged the funding round raised in the amount of 1.2 M€.
If your company meets these characteristics and you want to apply for an ENISA Entrepreneurs, contact us hither and receive support to finance your startup through this line.