Barcelona startup funding

In today's article, we show you the different funding channels available for startups based in Barcelona.

How to finance a startup in Barcelona? To be able to delve into public aid for startups based in Barcelona and, in general, in Catalonia. We have to look at the main public institutions that are committed to entrepreneurship and the dynamism of the business fabric of Catalonia. Institutions such as ACCIÓ and ICF are some examples of this.ACCIÓ Startup CapitalNon-refundable grant for technology-based startupsThe Department of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia, through ACCIÓ, an agency for business competitiveness, offers grants and incentives to Catalan companies to promote their creation and growth. Specifically, Acció's Startup Capital grant is one of the best-known grants for Catalan technological startups. Startup Capital de Acció, specializes in promoting innovation and business internationalization, and has 40 offices around the world. It is direct aid of up to 75,000 euros for newly created technological startups. The aid is intended to finance actions resulting from the execution of the company's plan.Who are the beneficiaries of Startup Capital?

- This grant is aimed at newly created startups, with a maximum of 2 years of experience. -The technology developed by startups must be their main differentiating factor against the competition, startups must be in the initial phase (seed) and need a boost to access the first rounds of private funding. In this regard, the applicant companies must not have obtained more than 300,000 euros of external funding.

What are the features of help?

- Minimum grant amount of 45,000 euros and a maximum of 75,000 euros per company. -The aid is public on a non-refundable basis and does not need endorsement. -Companies that are candidates for aid must have a digital certificate. -The eligible amount can reach 75% -If the company requests it, 80% can be advanced at the time of the aid, without the need for guarantees. -The budget of this program is 1.5 million euros per year.

For more information about the help click hitherOther ACCIÓ grants for startupsIn addition to the Startup Capital grant, ACCIÓ has other interesting programs for the promotion of startups, such as”Express mentoring for startups”. A program that offers two-hour meetings with mentors accredited by ACCIÓ to expand knowledge, previous experience of mentors and carry out effective networking. They also offer the possibility of verifying if your startup's business model is truly competent and effective internationally. To this end, they have developed the “Road to Success” Program, an intensive preparation in Silicon Valley, Northern Europe or Boston, where startups participate in a BootCamp that consists of 4 weeks of preparation and two weeks of travel. With this service, companies can access training, mentoring and direct connections with some of the most important sectors of the ecosystem. It is especially designed for startups with a global mentality and ambition. On the other hand, ACCIÓ also collaborates with Startup Acceleration Programs in Business Schools. They serve to consolidate technological projects that are less than 3 years old. Among its acceleration programs, the following stand out:-T Launch Program: in collaboration with LaSalle Technova Barcelona, which offers the preparation necessary for startups to go to market. It lasts 4 months and is configured in training and coaching sessions.-Barcelona Technology Transfer Group: in collaboration with IESE. It seeks to increase the commercial potential of new scientific discoveries, originating mainly in research centers of technological institutions. Its program, in collaboration with renowned MBA students and mentors, is aimed at professionals from public and private research centers, as well as entrepreneurs in the field of science and technology who aim to: creation of a technology-based company.-Next Tech Program: in collaboration with IQS. It is an acceleration program with industrial focus that allows you to get from the prototype to the factory/industrialization. Its main objective is to create a first production series.-Empenta Program: in collaboration with ESADECREAPOLIS. This is an acceleration and incubation program that allows you to multiply the growth speed of your startup. It lasts 6 months and is divided into three basic modules: equipment, business model and financing. Finally, ACCIÓ also collaborates in connecting the startup ecosystem with the consolidated business ecosystem with its service “Innovate through startups.” It connects established companies with startups in order to establish mutually beneficial relationships. Participating startups can access a line of participatory co-investment loans of between 50,000 and 200,000 euros.ICF IFEM participatory loansCo-investment funding for startups and SMEs The ICF, the Catalan Institute of Finance, has a specific vehicle (IFEM) for investing in innovative new companies through participatory loans and at the same time with investors accredited by the ICF.What is the purpose of the ICF?The objective of ICF is to promote and promote the growth of startups in Catalonia.Who are the beneficiaries of the aid?The potential beneficiaries of this aid are both entrepreneurs and innovative technological companies, and startups with a technological or scientific base that seek funding for their early-stage projects. In addition, it is an aid that does not require personal guarantees.What are the conditions for aid?

-The ICF invests in startups through participatory loans of up to 200,000 euros together with investment from private investors, Accelerators, Venture Builders, RResGo Capital Funds and Business Angels. -ICF-IFEM has a fixed interest and a variable interest. The fixed interest is a 12-month Euribor plus interest of 5%, while the variable interest is determined based on the evolution of the business plan, up to a maximum of 7%. -Opening commission of 0.5% on the formalized amount. -Amortization period of a maximum of 5 years with up to 2 years of grace period.

For more information about the help click hitherIn addition, startups in Barcelona can also access national public funding, offered by public institutions and/or companies, such as through participatory loans from Enisa, funding for technological innovation projects or CDTI research and development, among others.Barcelona Activa Pre-Incubation and Pre-Acceleration ProgramsPersonalized training and advice for startupsEl Barcelona Activa Preincubation program offers support, workshops and free coworking space for 6 months to promote projects through the co-creation and co-working of an entrepreneurial community. Barcelona Activa Pre-Acceleration Program is intended for technology-intensive projects. Throughout this program, work is done on the definition and validation of the business model and on entrepreneurial skills. In addition, they also provide a coworking space. Barcelona Activa also has specific programs, actions to support the creation of companies within strategic sectors for the city of Barcelona:-Futurism Program: for the tourism sector.-Creamedia Program: for the multimedia content creation industry.-Cleantechcamp Program: for the clean and renewable energy sector.-Fet a mà program: for the artisanal sector.-Innofood Program: for the food industry.-Social Entrepreneurship Program: for projects with social impact.-Ecommerce program: for the eCommerce/Marketplace sector.-Chebec Program: for the cultural and creative sector.-Lidera Program: for the support of women who want to go further professionally. Creation of networking environments and activities for the improvement of entrepreneurship and self-leadership capacities.-Mature Ideas Program: for entrepreneurs over 40 years old, they help with the business plan, entrepreneurial skills, sources of funding, business experiences and personalized advice.-Ideas with a Future Program: for entrepreneurs between 16 and 30 years old, they offer a program that helps in creating a business plan, training entrepreneurial skills, sources of funding, business experiences and personalized advice.-The Communicator Program: promotion program for collaborative economy projects. -Women's Building Program: training program for entrepreneurial projects in social and solidarity economy led by women.Do you want to know about all the grants? Click hither to inform you about the main existing funding lines for startups in Spain.