Training for entrepreneurs in Spain

As we saw in a previous post, an entrepreneur is someone with aptitude and attitude, who introduces innovative changes in the market. Of course, not everything has to come out of the minds of entrepreneurs. In addition to allowing themselves to be helped, there are also institutions that train entrepreneurs, whether they are experienced entrepreneurs or interested in entrepreneurship who have not yet started their journey.Face-to-face coursesFace-to-face courses include Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship (ESADE), one of the best known, who trains graduates or graduates in English for a year. Those who have no training in management and management must first complete the 9-week immersion module in Management. 23,840€ is the price of the master's degree and 28,840€ with the immersion module in Management included. Another recognized master's degree is the MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, from the Pompeu Fabra University, with the same duration and also in English, and aimed at graduates or degrees in engineering, science, art or design with more than three years of experience and a sufficient level of English. Its price, 18,850 €.More affordable are the registrations in the Master in Internet Business Creation, taught by Ramon Llul University in collaboration with La Salle Technova, with a cost of 6,800€, or the Master in Management and Management of SMEs of IEDE-CESEM, for which no specific qualification is required and with a registration fee of 8,106€.Online coursesAmong online courses, in addition to courses of similar duration to face-to-face courses, there are a significant number of training courses that seek a shorter duration, are cheaper (most have scholarships) and seek specialization, reflecting an upward trend in online training, which is increasingly betting on information pills. An example of the former is the Master in Business Management for Entrepreneurs The IBS program lasts 15 months and is aimed at graduates or imminent graduates who already have work experience. Its price is 6,500€, but it offers the possibility of being awarded a scholarship. The Master's Degree in Entrepreneurs of the International University of La Rioja has a lower price (2,400€), but it offers students participation in a business incubator, with the option of presenting their business plan to investors. Training for online business entrepreneurs stands out. This is the case of MBAI-Master in Internet Business Management of the IEBS (6,500€, 15 months) or the Master in Digital Business Management, from OBS Business School (€5,500, 12 months). And there are also those who train in international management, such as Postgraduate Course in Marketing and Business Internationalization for Entrepreneurs, IEBS economic course (2,750€) that lasts 10 months, or specific ones such as the Financial Management Program for the creation of a company, from the IEBS, with intensive training (180 hours) and a tuition fee of 1,250€.