The objective of Horizon 2020 is to finance research and technological development and innovation activities. According to the provisional results, Spanish entities have obtained grants worth 3,638.1 million euros to carry out research and innovation activities, having already surpassed the funding obtained during the entire 7th Framework Program, a program that ran from 2007 to 2013. This represents a substantial improvement in the H2020 for Spain, which, despite being behind Germany, the United Kingdom and France, occupies the Fourth position in Europe, achieving a return of 10% EU-28. With these results, these results already exceed the figures achieved in the entire Seventh Framework Programme, both in terms of the total grant, and in the position and return achieved by Spain, which was then the sixth country, with 8.3% EU-28. In addition, there are record numbers in the number of entities that have participated in the calls, these being almost 9,400 entities participating in more than 40,500 different proposals. The high participation in the proposals together with the large number of funded activities puts Spain with a success rate higher than the general average of H2020 12% compared to the Spanish one, which stands at 13.1%.

After H2020, Horizon Europe will come, which will be the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period from 2021 to 2027 and will have an even larger budget than previous programs, reaching 100 billion euros.Source: It's Horizon 2020