Imported item 45

Biuky It's a new online perfumery and cosmetics store. A platform that was created for beauty and personal care enthusiasts who are not satisfied with the options that exist on the network to purchase perfumery and cosmetics. Biuky

After a few months of research, market analysis, conceptualization, negotiation, design, programming and more, today we were born

which constitutes our first foray as majority shareholders into the world of eCommerce.

We seek to advise you and offer you - in a simple and fast way - access to those products that best suit your needs.

To do this, we believe that it is essential to know your objectives and preferences and that is why we want to maintain a rich, open and bidirectional dialogue with you.You we offer the widest range of original perfumery and cosmetic products, as they come to us from their manufacturers and to the most competitive prices.

We still have a lot of work to do: products to describe, photos to upload, pages to add and so many others to correct... but we didn't want to delay LOW PRICES to make the best gifts this holiday season.

And as if the prices weren't already attractive enough to cheer you up, and to celebrate our inauguration with you, we offer you a coupon with an additional 5% discount. It's very simple and fast: once you're in the “Shopping Bag”, just before paying, you'll see a question under the last product that says Do you have a discount coupon? Write there BIUKY5DISCOUNT, this is the combination that will allow you to receive that added 5% discount.

Now you have no excuse, come in and take a walk. It's easy to find that Christmas gift (make the purchase before December 18 so that your gift comes with Santa Claus or before December 31 so that the Three Wise Men bring it) or that product that you usually buy but, this time, it will surely be at a better price.

Don't wait much longer because these prices are going to last very little! Ahhh! and please tell your friends so they can benefit too.