Digital Kit, new digitization aids for microenterprises, small businesses and the self-employed

Through Digital Kit, companies will have access to a large catalog of digital solutions and digitizing agents that offer these services.

Through the Digital Kit Program, the Government, through the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, is working to increase the percentages in terms of the number of Spanish SMEs that have a website and a digitization plan, standing at 20% and 14%, respectively.


Subsidize the implementation of digital solutions available in the market to achieve significant progress in the level of digital maturity.

Budget of the call

The aid is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which has a total budget of 3 billion euros to invest in the productive fabric during the period between 2021 and 2023. Specifically, the first Digital Kit call will have a total budget of 500 million euros to invest in companies with between 10 and 49 workers.

What does Digital Kit help consist of?

In a digital bond with an economic amount so that companies can manage it by choosing one or more digital solutions from those offered by the digitizing agents who develop the catalog services:

  • Web site. Up to 1,000 euros.
  • E-commerce. Up to 2,000 euros.
  • Social media management. Up to 2,500 euros.
  • Customer and/or supplier management. Up to 4,000 euros.
  • Business intelligence and analytics. Up to 4,000 euros.
  • Virtual office services and tools. Up to 12,000 euros.
  • Process management. Up to 6,000 euros.
  • Electronic invoice. Up to 1,000 euros.
  • Secure communications. Up to 6,000 euros.
  • Online cybersecurity. Up to 6,000 euros.

Who is the Digital Kit help for?

The Digital Kit solutions are aimed at small companies, microenterprises and self-employed workers; regardless of the sector to which they belong or their type of business.

The aid will be allocated based on calls:

  • The first call will be aimed at companies between 10 and 49. The amount of the digital voucher for them will be up to 12,000 euros.
  • The second call will be aimed at companies with between 3 and 10 employees. The amount of the bonus will be 6,000 euros.
  • The third call will focus on companies that have between 1 and 3 employees. The amount of the voucher will be 2,000 euros.

Is Digital Kit an aid from Next Generation EU funds?

Yes, the Digital Kit program is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Digital Spain 2025 agenda and the Digitalization Plan for SMEs 2021-2025, funded by the European Union through the Next Generation EU Funds.

What are the necessary requirements to be able to request Digital Kit help?

  • Be a small business, microenterprise or self-employed.
  • Be in a situation of discharge and have the minimum seniority established by invitation.
  • Not to be considered a company in crisis. -Be aware of social security tax obligations.
  • Do not exceed the minimum aid limit (small amount).

This information is provisional and subject to regulatory approval.

Scanning Agent

Those companies that provide technological solutions and services needed by SMEs and self-employed beneficiaries of the Digital Kit program can be accredited as Digitizing Agents. To do this, they must be at least 2 years old, not be considered a company in difficulty and have achieved a turnover of 100,000€ in one of the last two closed years prior to the application. Once accredited, digitizing agents will be able to sign collaboration agreements with the beneficiaries of the program's grants and accompany them in their digital transformation processes, implementing technological solutions that fall into one of the following categories:

  • Web site
  • E-Commerce
  • Social Media Management
  • Customer and/or Supplier Management
  • Virtual Office Services and Tools
  • Process Management-Electronic Invoicing
  • Secure Communications

More: CDTI 2021 Cervera Program