The most attractive sectors to start

An infographic of LinkedIn shows the sectors that grow the most in hiring, a good indicator of those activities that register the highest demand. As is to be expected, the first positions are occupied by sectors with a high dependence on technology. From renewable energy to marketing, through the healthcare sector, venture capital, management consulting, the ICT sector or, of course, Internet businesses.

Sectores con mayor contratación (Infografía de Linkedin)

Intelectium has worked on projects in several of these hegemonic sectors, supporting companies with services of strategy and marketing, innovation, optimization and Search for funding. We'll look at some of those cases below. Each one of them is a world, but all resulted in stronger companies that evolve at a faster speed. For example, we can highlight our collaboration with two companies that offer services of cloud computing: Abiquo and Shuttlecloud. With the help of Intelectium, Abiquo has become a complete cloud services solution. It was designed from the ground up to manage the next generation of the cloud, and it is already a leader in installing systems that facilitate the management of thousands of virtual machines without giving up control of physical infrastructure, something essential for ICT companies. Shuttlecloud is an online tool that customers can use to transfer data between cloud applications if they want to migrate from vendor to vendor. Intelectium invested in Shuttlecloud through Techxios, our investment vehicle in client start-ups. sanitary is another of the booming sectors. In this area, we had the pleasure of working with Starlab. The company wanted to be profitable by developing and commercializing neurostimulators on a large scale for the space and neuroscience sectors. They asked for help to Intelectium, we analyzed the case and concluded that the success of Starlab in scientific consulting, it acted as a counterweight in the sale of recurring products and services. It was necessary to separate activities and form a new company. Así se Creo Neuroelectrics, which has placed both firms as world leaders in the development of advanced systems for the diagnosis and monitoring of neurodegenerative diseases, pain and depression.