The Government has published a series of urgent measures aimed at microenterprises, SMEs, the self-employed and companies to try to mitigate the effects of Covid-19. Below, we summarize and highlight the main measures adopted:
- Benefit for Self-Employed Workers
- Temporary disability benefit for self-employed workers
- Moratorium and Deferral of social security contributions and payment of Social Security debts
- Streamlining of ERTEs due to force majeure and exemption from social security contributions during ERTE
- Guarantee Line—ICO
- ICO Tourism Sector Line and related activities Covid-19 /Thomas Cook
- Availability of pension plans.
- Deferral of tax debts
- Deferral of VAT, Personal Income Tax and Corporate Tax returns
- Moratorium on mortgages affecting economic activity
- Moratorium on mortgage on regular housing
- Non-Mortgage Debt Moratorium
- Suspension of electricity and natural gas supply contracts
- Flexibilization of electricity and gas contracts
- Electric Social Bonus for the self-employed
- Moratoriums or grants in relation to the rental income of the main home
- Benefit for the self-employed
Who is it aimed at?This aid is aimed at workers who are self-employed in the current payroll regime and are affected by the closure of the business due to the pandemic and, as a result, the drop in turnover by 75%.
- Temporary disability benefit for self-employed workers
Who is it aimed at?This aid is aimed at workers who are self-employed in the current pay regime and have been temporarily incapacitated due to being in quarantine or having contracted the disease.
- Moratorium and deferral of social security contributions and payment of debts to social security
Aimed at self-employed workers affected by Covid-19.
4. Streamlining of ERTEs due to force majeure and exemption from social security contributions during ERTE
Who is it aimed at?This aid is aimed at self-employed workers who are in charge of employees and who have losses due to the pandemic.
- Guarantee line - Ico
Who is it aimed at?This line is aimed at all types of companies and freelancers that are active in Spain, we highlight that all sectors can request this help if they have been affected by Covid-19.How do ICO loans work?La maximum funding As a general rule it is 12.5 million euros and it has a maximum amortization period of 20 years.ICO loans have a cancellation fee in case of early amortization, but they do not have study or opening fees. ICO credits can have a fixed or variable interest that is added to the interest margin (amount established by the entity managing the ICO lines and which is defined by the repayment period.) 20 years is the maximum payment period and minimum 1 year.How to apply for an ICO loan?To apply for an ICO loan, you must go to a bank office to check with the collaborating entity for the conditions. On the ICO page you will find a list of collaborating entities to apply for the loan. In addition, to apply for the loan, it is necessary to prepare and submit a project report explaining the reason for the request.
- Tourism sector line and related activities Covid-19/Thomas Cook
Who is it aimed at?This line is focused on companies and freelancers with registered office in Spain that request the help of ICO Companies and Entrepreneurs and the activity they carry out is within the tourism sector
- Availability of pension plans
Who is it aimed at?Aimed at businessmen who own establishments whose opening to the public has been suspended due to the current situation.
- Deferral of tax debts
Who is it aimed at?All SMEs and the self-employed can apply to this aid.How can they request it?Through the Tax Agency.How much?Debts less than or equal to 30,000 with a discount on interest rates with a 3-month equivalence
- Deferral of VAT, IRPF and CORPORATE TAX returns
Who is it aimed at?Taxpayers with a turnover of up to 600,000 euros.
- Moratorium on mortgages affecting economic activity
Who is it aimed at?SMEs and the self-employed that have suffered or suffer a loss of at least 40% for affected properties.
- Moratorium on current housing
Who is it aimed at?Self-employed workers whose family unit in the month has not exceeded the following:
12. Moratorium on non-mortgage debt
Who is it aimed at?Self-employed workers in a situation of economic vulnerability involving financing without a mortgage guarantee and have experienced a 40% drop in sales.
- Suspension of electricity and natural gas supply contracts
Who is it aimed at?Self-employed workers and companies that aim to modify electricity and gas contracts.
- Flexibilization of electricity and gas contracts
Who is it aimed at?Companies and self-employed workers who wish to modify contracts to adjust them to electrical power or gas flow needs.
- Social electric bonus for self-employed workers
Who is it aimed at?Self-employed workers who have seen their activity cease and their income has fallen by 70%.
- Moratoriums or grants in relation to the rental income of the main home
Who?Self-employed workers whose family unit in the month has not exceeded the following: Do you need more information? Information from the Government of Spain - Measurement guide for self-employed workers