What are the best countries to internationalize a startup?

When it comes to internationalizing your startup, it is vital and essential that the country has a large percentage of users connected to the network.

Therefore, when deciding the next countries to which to direct your Startup it is vital and essential that the country you are going to has a large percentage of users connected to the network. Following this premise, the most connected places in the world and therefore the best countries to internationalize your startup are:

AmericasWhen we talk about the American continent, the first country that comes to mind is obviously, United States. And it is not surprising that it is also the first American country on this list, since it has more than 300 million inhabitants and 72% of its population has smartphones and Internet networks available. However, all that glitters is not gold and the United States, being the first, has a lot of competition among startups, because thousands of startups in development are constantly emerging from Silicon Valley, making the expansion process very difficult. The second American country is Canada, that according to a report by Pew Research Center In 2015, six out of ten adults use their smartphones on a daily basis, which makes it quite easy to reach new users, especially considering that every year that passes the use of mobile technology and the Internet increases. The Canadian country enjoys great political stability and a market of considerable dimensions, but even so, we must bear in mind that the consumer in this country is very demanding and is very interested in verifying the quality of the product, the origin, the price and the composition. If you have a well-developed product with very good quality, it shouldn't be a problem, so Canada can be a very good country to internationalize your business. Finishing the American podium is Chile, which is the best Latin American country in which to internationalize, since 65% of its population has a mobile phone and makes daily use of the network. Since they share both culture and language with Spain, it will strengthen their relationships and avoid behavioral and procedural errors when managing transactions.Europe and AsiaIf you want to expand to Europe or Asia, the recommendations are the United Kingdom, Germany, South Korea or Malaysia. European countries have more than 60% of the population connected to the network, in addition to making use of new technologies. Germany not only is it a European leader, but it also shares the same European and international legislation as Spain, which makes it very easy to expand into the German country. In addition, Germany has one of the most powerful and secure markets in the old continent. With regard to UK, is a leading economic power and has a large investment in technological centers that will help the development of new entrepreneurs. In addition, the British country has a consolidated market with many business opportunities both because of its size and its strategic location and development. On the other hand, there are Asian countries. South Korea It is the country in the Asian continent with the highest percentage of technology in the world, with 88% of the population connected to the network and with a mobile device. Finally, Malaysia contains a 65% share of technological use. Both Asian countries have very high market levels and an incipient economy of great value, but with a cultural handicap. One of the biggest challenges for a startup that internationalizes to one of these countries is to avoid cultural misunderstandings, in addition to complying with legislation.