NEOTEC: The Government authorizes the call for funding for Startups

The Neotec initiative, responsible for promoting new projects by innovative companies, has been authorized by the Government with an endowment of 25 million

The Council of Ministers has already approved the 2018 call for the Neotec Program, which has been increased by 25% of the budget compared to the previous year, reaching 25 million euros. Through this call, the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), an organization attached to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, helps business projects that require the use of technologies or knowledge developed from research activity, in which the company's business strategy is based on the development of its own technology as a differential value in the face of competition. The objective of these grants is to support novice entrepreneurs. Therefore, the shareholding structure of the applicant startup will be analyzed in detail. Only companies of the size or category “small business” will be financed. In this sense, in general, the shareholding of entrepreneurs or promoters of the company must exceed 50%.NEOTEC funds a business plan, not just a Research and Development (R&D) project. Therefore, when applying for aid, all lines of activity that the company plans to undertake in the next 5 years must be submitted. Even so, R&D activities should make up the majority of the budget of the submitted project. It is estimated that this NEOTEC 2018 call will be able to finance nearly 125 startups with business projects where innovation and technology play fundamental roles.These grants will finance up to 70% of the budget for business projects that are part of this program, having a minimum fundable amount of 175,000 euros and being able to reach the maximum grant of 250,000 euros per beneficiary.

Which companies are eligible for the NEOTEC 2018 call?

  • Innovative small businesses (Startups) that are a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 3 years old
  • Startups must have a minimum share capital of 20,000 euros
  • Technology and innovation must be the differentiating factor of these companies

About CDTI

CDTI stands for the Center for Industrial Technological Development, a public business entity, under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which promotes innovation and technological development of the companies that make up the economic fabric of Spain. CDTI is responsible for channeling requests for funding and support for R+D+i projects from Spanish companies at state and international levels, with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the technological and competitive level of Spanish companies.

NEOTEC Experts

Intelectium helps you assess the eligibility of your startup for the NEOTEC call. Once analyzed, we soaked up the company to prepare a detailed report through which to request and manage NEOTEC help. Get in touch with us hither!