New line of Acció grants of up to 90,000€ for green technological innovation projects 2024

The line subsidizes green technological innovation initiatives by companies that contribute to the fight against climate change.

The aid is part of the ProAcción Green program, which promotes sustainable innovation in the business fabric and the use of technology as a lever for a green and circular economy. Those companies that submit projects that seek to create new products, processes or services focused on the reduction of greenhouse gases and on the adaptation of companies to this impact may be beneficiaries of grants for green technological innovation projects

Total budget

2,000 M€ for the period between the years 2024-2027.


The main objective of the line of grants for green technological innovation projects is to help companies generate products, processes or services focused both on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the vulnerability of companies to the impacts of climate change.

Recipients of grants for Green technological innovation projects

Industrial and industrial service SMEs with an operational establishment in Catalonia that are at least two years old and projects with a budget starting at €40,000.

These projects should focus on reducing, directly or indirectly, greenhouse gas emissions and/or on adapting to the impacts of climate change.

Industrial and service companies are considered to be those entities that have an economic activity included in some of the following *IAEs (Economic Activity Tax) in the First Section:

  • All those included in division 1 (Energy and Water)
  • All those included in division 2 (Extraction and transformation of non-energy minerals and derivative products)
  • All those included in division 3 (Metal processing industries, precision mechanics)
  • All those included within division 4 (Other manufacturing industries)
  • All those included within division 5 (Construction)
  • Groups 623 and 69 of division 6 (Commerce, Restaurants and Lodging, Repairs)
  • Everything included in division 7 (Transportation and Communications) except groups 755 and 757
  • Division 8 Cluster 845 and 843.1 (Financial Institutions, Insurance, Services Provided, and Rentals)
  • Division 9 Cluster 936 (Other Services)

Type of help

Non-refundable grant, awarded through competitive competition, which will cover up to 75% of the costs associated with the project, with a limit of 90,000€. Companies benefiting from the line can access a 40% down payment without the need for additional guarantees.

Main grant requirements for Green technological innovation projects

  • Be technically feasible.
  • Carry out subsidized actions in Catalonia.
  • Projects started from the date of submission of the application and up to 2 years after it.
  • Eligible projects must have TRLs of 7 and above, as defined by the European Commission's Technology Readiness levels (TRL).

Eligible expenses

  • Staff dedicated to technical tasks of the project: including research, technical and auxiliary personnel.
  • External collaborations. The total expenses of the external collaborations item may not exceed 70% of the total eligible expenditure accepted.
  • Acquisition of equipment. Only new fixed assets necessary for the execution of the project are considered eligible.
  • Other expenses for the purchase of software or licenses for the use of the same.
  • Audit of accounts necessary for the justification of the aid

Documentation required for the application

  • Technical report of the project, including an executive summary of the project
  • Full and detailed project budget
  • Declaration of other aid received as de minimis

Assessment Criteria

  • Degree of innovation of the project: Up to 200 points. Including the objectives of the project and the innovative nature of the project.
  • Project execution and management plan: Up to 100 points. Including the methodology and work plan, the technical capacity of the requesting company and the detail of the tasks of external collaborators and the appropriateness and coherence of resources.
  • Impact of the project: Up to 200 points. Including the generation and maintenance of jobs and the project linked to the concept of Twin Transition, as well as the generation of new business models in the future, the impact of the project in terms of mitigation and/or adaptation to climate change and the orientation and approach of the project towards the gender perspective.

Deadline for submitting applications for grants for Green technological innovation projects

Until October 7, 2024 at 2 p.m.

What is the ProAcción Green Program?

The ProAcció Green program has a budget of 30 million euros and so far it has accompanied more than 570 R+D+i projects by Catalan companies, while the Climate Fund has already provided more than 15 million euros in recent years.

This program promotes sustainable innovation in the business fabric and the use of technology as a lever for a green and circular economy.

We help you get funding from ACCIÓ

If you want to assess whether the different calls may fit your company or project, we can advise you without obligation. At Intelectium, we work under a successful model in obtaining public aid. We help you to identify which grants are the best fit for you and to prepare all the necessary documentation to carry out the procedure correctly until you obtain funding. You can contact us through our form or by sending an email to