Total budget of the PERTE for Industrial Decarbonization:
1,000 M€, 500 M€ of which will be channeled in loan format and 500 M€ in grant format.
Commercial companies, both state and private, that carry out an industrial activity and that carry out projects that decarbonize the industrial installation.
They can be presented individually or in groups with other industrial companies, knowledge providers or energy service companies provided that they contribute to the decarbonization of the industrial facility.
Type of aid from the PERTE for Industrial Decarbonization:
Grants and loans or a combination of both, awarded on a non-competitive basis. In their application, entities can choose whether to request aid in the form of a grant, a repayable loan or a combination of both
The repayment period for the part of the aid granted in the form of a loan will be ten years, with a grace period of three years. And the applicable interest rate will be 3.26%.
For each primary project and beneficiary entity, the total funding that can be granted, adding the nominal loan and the grant, will be as maximum of 80% of the fundable budget, taking into account the following limits:
1. For primary research and development projects
- 35 M€ for industrial research projects
- 25 M€ for experimental development projects
- 8.2 M€ for feasibility studies
2. 12.5 M€ for innovation projects in the field of organization and processes.
3. For innovative investment projects for environmental protection and industrial decarbonization
- Overall, 30 M€ per company and per primary project.
- For specific infrastructure and energy storage: 25 M€ per company and per primary project.
4. 30 M€ per company and per primary project for energy efficiency projects.
5. For projects to promote energy from renewable sources for self-consumption
- €2 million per company and primary project for electric power generation projects for self-consumption that do not include a storage facility, except for electrical and thermal energy cogeneration projects.
- 10 M€ per company and primary project, for other projects, when it achieves a decarbonization of between 3,000 and up to 25,000 tCO2e per year; 20 M€ per company and primary project when it achieves a decarbonization of between 25,001 and up to 75,000 tCO2e per year and 30 M€ per company and primary project when it achieves a decarbonization of more than 75,000 tCO2e per year.
6. 8.2 M€ for SME investment projects.
Main requirements:
- Each application submitted must be structured in a single tractor project, which contributes to the decarbonization of a single plant or industrial facility in operation.
- A tractor project must contain at least one primary project in one of these lines: 1st Reduction of direct emissions from the installation. 2nd Substantial improvement in energy efficiency to save electrical energy.
- Achieve a climate contribution of at least 40%.
- The maximum period for making investments and expenses cannot under any circumstances be extended beyond March 31, 2026.
- The requesting company or group must submit the request for aid before the start of work on the tractor project.
- The minimum budget for bankable concepts for each tractor project will be 1,000,000€.
Areas of action of the PERTE for Industrial Decarbonization for the manufacturing industry:
- Reduction of direct emissions from the industrial installation, aimed at the decarbonization of energy sources, the comprehensive energy management of industrial processes, decarbonization due to the reduction of natural resources or the capture, storage and use of carbon.
- Substantial improvement in energy efficiency due to the saving of electrical energy.
- Renewable energy installations for self-consumption in the production processes of the industrial installation.
- R+D+i to promote the decarbonization of industrial facilities.
Eligible costs:
Investments and expenses incurred from the day following the submission of the application will be bankable. In general, the eligible costs will be calculated by comparing the cost of the investment for which the aid is requested with a hypothesis of contrasting the behavior of the beneficiary in the absence of aid. Including:
For primary projects framed in the line of industrial research, experimental development and feasibility studies:
- Personnel expenses
- Expenses of inventoriable instruments and material
- Contract research expenses, technical expertise and patents
- Expenses of the Certification Report for Research and Development Projects
- Consultancy expenses, allocated exclusively to the project, for conceptual R & D developments
- Additional overheads and other operating expenses
- Expenses of feasibility studies
For primary projects framed in the line of innovation in terms of organization and processes:
- Personnel expenses
- Expenses of inventoriable instruments and material
- Contract research expenses, technical expertise and patents
- Additional overheads and other operating expenses
- Expenses of feasibility studies
For primary projects framed in the line of investment aid for environmental protection and industrial decarbonization with an innovative nature:
- Apparatus and production equipment
- Building and facilities
- Intangible assets
- Collaboration and external services
- Costs of environmental studies or energy audits
Required Documentation:
- Tractor Project Support Request Form and Electronic Questionnaire
- Valid proof of the power of the signer of the request by any valid legal means that leave a reliable record of its existence
- Descriptive report of each primary project and of the complete proposal of the tractor project
Assessment Criteria:
- Economic and financial viability of the entity. 0/30 points
- Current Assets/Current Liabilities
- Gross Economic Income/Net Turnover
- Active/Passive
- Net Turnover/Total Assets
- Gross economic output/Total net debt
- Current Assets/Total Assets
- Own funds/Total net worth and liabilities
- Medium and long-term debts/Total net worth and liabilities
- Tangible assetable/Non-current asset
- Net Economic Income/Financial Expenses
- Economic-financial risk ratio
Deadline for submitting applications:
From January 24 to April 17, 2024.
At Intelectium we are experts in obtaining this type of aid. We help you assess your company's eligibility for the call. Once analyzed, we prepare a detailed report to be able to make the request and obtain the aid. We operate under a completely success-oriented model, in which we don't charge initial set up fees to start working, but we are at risk and only get paid if we get funding for the company.
Get in touch with us hither to be able to receive expert advice without any commitment.