New call from the Perte for the circular economy for the 2024 plastics sector.

Between 2024 and 2026, the PERTE Circular Economy for the Plastic Sector will mobilize more than 1.2 billion euros.

The PERTE for the Circular Economy identifies the plastic sector as a priority and strategic given the cross-cutting nature of this material throughout the industry, with a low recycling rate and a high environmental impact.

The grants, aimed at accelerating the transition to a more efficient and sustainable production system in the use of raw materials, aligned with the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy for the year 2030, seek to position Spain as an international reference in Sustainability, through effective management, recycling and reuse of waste.


Promote the sustainability and circularity of industrial and business processes to improve the competitiveness and innovation of textiles and fashion and plastics within the framework of a circular economy, which exceeds the previous linear production model. Along these lines, PERTE Circular Economy grants for the plastics sector seek to promote the ecodesign of plastic products, the promotion of reusable packaging and will promote mechanical and chemical recycling, seeking to reduce their environmental impact and improve their sustainable management.


Legally and validly constituted entities that have an establishment or branch in Spain.

The condition for being a beneficiary entity must be maintained until the liquidation of the investment subject to the grant is completed. 

Type of help

The beneficiaries of the PERTE circular economy for the plastics sector will access a non-refundable grant, of between 100,000 and 10 M€ per project, with a maximum intensity depending on the type of company and the type of project, which is defined as:

R & D projects

  • Industrial Research: 50%
  • Experimental development: 25%
  • Feasibility studies: 50%

Digitalization projects:

  • SMEs: 50%
  • Large company: 15%

Environmental projects:

  • Small and micro enterprises: 60%
  • Medium-sized companies: 50%
  • Large company: 40%

Third-party waste management:

  • Small and micro enterprises: 55%
  • Medium-sized companies: 45%
  • Large company: 35%

An advance payment of the aid may be requested.

Eligible actions of the PERTE circular economy for the plastics sector

  • Ecodesign to increase the use of recycled plastic
  • Promotion of reusable plastic containers, which allow savings in raw materials and energy, optimizing their use through reverse logistics systems
  • Simple mechanical recycling or up to food grade
  • Chemical recycling intended to treat non-mechanically recyclable fractions

These actions may be aimed at:

  • Industrial research projects
  • Experimental development projects
  • Feasibility studies

Eligible costs

  • Personal
  • Instrumental and material
  • Buildings and land
  • Contractual research, knowledge and patents acquired or obtained by license
  • Additional overheads and other operating expenses
  • Costs of the feasibility study

Deadline for submitting applications

Pending call

We help you achieve the PERTE for the circular economy for the plastics sector

If you want to assess whether the call may fit your company or project, we can advise you without obligation. At Intelectium, we work under a successful model in obtaining public aid. We help you to identify which grants are the best fit for you and to prepare all the necessary documentation to carry out the procedure correctly until funding is obtained. You can contact us through our form or by sending an email to