The COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) program is one of the largest and the first European intergovernmental network of coordination of European scientific and technical research. The objective of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology program is promote technical and scientific research, thus funded collaborative networks between researchers, known as COST Actions. Since Intelectium through the page of Horizon 2020 we wanted to provide some data on Spanish participation in these COST actions in 2019: -28% of participants from Spanish institutions were young researchers. -Participation was funded in the different activities organized within each COST Action, a total of 1655 participants from Spanish institutions. -The participants were present at the following activities: 339 participants from Spanish institutions in the Training Schools209 participants from Spanish institutions in the Short Term Scientific Missions115 participants from Spanish institutions as trainers in the Training Schools-The activities organized in Spain wered:188 Short Term Scientific Missions.75 Meetings.22 Training Schools.In 2019 the The total budget allocated to Spain was 2,676,000 €, with this data we show that it was the highest amount in the last three years. In total, it represented a 8.5% of the COST budget.