The 2021 call for the Nuclis R&D program, promoted by ACTION, for circular economy projects, specifically in the field of waste, is aimed at companies with operational headquarters in Catalonia and a minimum of 4 years of life that are developing a new high-risk technological product or service that meets the needs of the market.
With the objective of encouraging the carrying out of industrial research and experimental development activities, through the Nuclis R&D Program, non-refundable grants of between 25% and 70% of the project. Subsequently, ACCIÓ will carry out an impact study on the results derived from the grants, in accordance with the expected objectives. The projects presented are framed within two different modalities: -R&D projects that aim at implantation of the product or service developed within the production process itself of the requesting entity. -R&D projects that aim at implantation of the product or service developed in a third entity not a project participant.
Type of aid
Non-refundable grants with maximum intensities that vary between 25% and 75% of bankable expenses, depending on the type of company and the subsidized activity. Exceptionally, beneficiary companies will be eligible for grants of up to 100% of the expenses derived from the audits carried out.
For-profit companies, with operational headquarters in Catalonia And with at least 4 years old. Those cooperating entities that participate in the project as a support entity They cannot be beneficiaries of the aid, since they are not financially participating in the project. On the other hand, companies applying for aid that have eligible expenses equal to or greater than €20,000 must prove their status as Financially fit.
Main conditions
The projects submitted, regardless of the category, must have as main objectives: -That the The value of products, materials and resources is maintained for as long as possible in the economy. -The generation of as little waste as possible.-Achieve the maximum efficiency in the use of resources, reducing the consumption of raw materials and the generation of waste throughout the life cycle of the products. -La improvement of waste treatment processes.
Financiable expenses
Contracted technical staff: Researchers, technicians and auxiliary staff. Training and/or internship contracts and personnel dedicated to administrative tasks are excluded. The beneficiary entity may charge a maximum dedication of 80% of the working day. External collaborations and other collaborations: Contractual research or technological development expenses, outsourcing for engineering or design projects, and laboratory tests and tests. Other expenses directly related to industrial research and experimental development. Indirect costs: Up to a maximum of 7% of eligible direct personnel costs may be charged. Audit expenses: For the preparation of a justification report for the subsidized action, up to a maximum of 1,500€ per justification. A maximum of 2 justification reports can be requested per project and company.
Main requirements
The developed project must involve a innovative R & D performance and be framed within the sectors and cross-cutting enabling technologies identified in the RIS3CAT specialization strategy. The project should be carried out in Catalunya and develop in a maximum period of 3 years starting from the date of submission of the application. The beneficiary entity must have Technical capacity to carry out the proposed R & D activity. Companies must have at least four years of life at the time of the request for assistance. Projects must have at least subsidized expenses accepted by value of 150,000€, these are incompatible with other aids.
Deadline for submitting applications
Until 30/06/2021.
*Sectorial areas
Food/Energy and Resources Industrial Systems/Design-based industries/Industries related to sustainable mobility/Health industries/Cultural and experience-based industries
*Enabling technologies
ICT (broad definition, including microelectronics and nanoelectronics) NanotechnologyPhotonics Advanced MaterialsBiotechnologyAdvanced Manufacturing More: ACCIÓ coupons