Do you want to save money on your entrepreneurial project? Sign up for coworking

Entrepreneurship is no longer like before. Now, for better or worse, entrepreneurship has a better press. Although in Spain it is still difficult for us to get rid of that slab and that unfair vision that some people have, the truth is that entrepreneurship is getting better and better.

Entrepreneurship is no longer the same as before. Now, for better or worse, entrepreneurship has a better press. Although in Spain it is still difficult for us to get rid of that slab and that unfair vision that some people have, the truth is that entrepreneurship is getting better and better. And that's fantastic, although it also has some flaws or so. One of them is waste. One day, you decided to create a company. And now you're an entrepreneur. You love yourself, you seem delighted to have met. You've seen all the movies about entrepreneurship and now you're creating a Mark Zuckerberg whichever. You've let yourself be carried away by the glamour of the entrepreneur and you decide that an attitude like yours must be accompanied by a similar outlay. So you buy yourself a computer. The good kind, huh? Not just anyone. An iMac with 27 screens, of those that are worth more than 2,500 euros. You've also bought an iPad, bought yourself the best smartphone in the store and ordered more business cards than you could ever hand out in your entire life. And, of course, you also want a good office. The garage thing is fine, but it's crappy. You want a nice loft, or a house with a pool in the suburbs or a good apartment in the center of Madrid. The thing is that Maybe that'll be a little expensive for you, isn't it? Especially considering that you're not billing yet and you don't have external funding (and if you do, they haven't given it to you to spend it in the best office in the world). It is possible that, after a few months of letting yourself be carried away by the glamour of the modern entrepreneur, realize that you would be better off saving on that kind of thing. And if, in addition to saving, you manage to create synergies, all the better. What if you go to the coworking? How? That you don't know what it is? El coworking It is a working method that consists of sharing facilities with other companies. But not only that: if the companies are in your sector (or similar), the coworking it is also a philosophy of life, based on solidarity and on helping all those around you. Your portal may not be well positioned, but maybe the company next door knows about SEO. And maybe the design fails them, but you're a genius. Sign up for coworking It's a great way to save tremendous costs in your company. And besides, you can always create synergies with your colleagues in the office. And who knows? Perhaps future companies are born from these synergies.According to El País, Spain has 175 centers of coworking spread across 33 Spanish provinces, and two-thirds of these centers are in Madrid (62) and Barcelona (53). In the magazine Emprendedores they show you some, but there are many more.Take a look at Google. I'm sure there's one in your city.