Startup Capital Coinvestment 2024

Through this new line of grants, ACCIÓ will grant partially repayable loans to startups that develop deeptech technology.

Through the new Startup Capital Coinvestment line of grants, ACCIÓ will grant loans of between 75,000 and 250,000€ for deeptech companies.

The granting of aid is linked to the fact that companies have received investments formalized by Business Angels or venture capital funds.


Small and medium-sized companies that develop technologies considered to be deep tech, with a main operating center in Catalonia and that have formalized a round of funding.

Type of help

Partially refundable loans of up to 250,000€. The grant tranche may reach up to 20% of the funding to be received.

  • Interest rate: Fixed at Euribor for 12 months + 2%, renewable on an annual basis.
  • Return period: 10 years, with a grace period of 4.
  • Amortization: Quarterly.

The resolution process will be carried out by non-competitive competition.

Main requirements

  • Development of deep technologies (deeptech) - Be incorporated as SL or SA.
  • Be between 6 and 36 months old, on the date of submission of the application.
  • The founding team must work full-time and full-time on the project.
  • To have carried out, together with private investors or venture capital funds, a funding round of at least 75,000€, during the 6 months prior to the submission of the application.

Eligible expenses

Expenses and investments necessary for the development of the company's growth project defined in its business plan, for 24 months after the date of submission of the application, and that are carried out in the territory of Catalonia.

Required Documentation

  • Business plan or deck, including 5-year financial projections.
  • Full and detailed budget on the expenses and investments necessary to carry out the growth project.
  • Annual accounts (balance sheet and profit and loss) for the last two years closed, or for the last quarter in case of not having them.- Information about investors and the capital increase carried out.

Date for submitting applications

Until October 16, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

What is considered Deep Tech Startup?

Startups with their own technological and scientific base, solid and demonstrable, with transformative solutions in the face of global challenges and that help achieve the SDGs defined by the UN. Deep Tech technologies include innovations in biology, chemistry. Physics, mathematics, engineering, machinery and programming, based on new scientific knowledge and cutting-edge technological advances, and entail high technological and market risks.

Other grants for startups based in Catalonia: