TOP 7 startups in Granada

Granada is the 23rd city in the Spanish entrepreneurial environment. What are your 7 most promising startups in the city?

In today's article, we'll learn more about 7 startups from the Granada entrepreneurial ecosystem. Have you ever heard of them?

Live kombucha it is an organic artisanal drink. Kombucha tea is a fermented beverage made from tea and sugar, and is fermented with a symbiosis of yeasts and bacteria called Scoby. This beverage not only contains the benefits of tea, but it also provides the properties of fermented foods, including antioxidant and probiotic benefits that stimulate the diversity of intestinal bacteria and aid digestion. It's a healthy alternative to sugary soft drinks and other alcoholic beverages. They make kombucha in small batches, respecting the times of artisanal fermentation to achieve the most exquisite flavor. They have developed 3 different kombucha products: original (turmeric and ginger), exotic (strawberries and hibiscus), oceanic (lemon and spirulina).

Firmafy is a platform for signing documents online in a fast, secure and legal way. Customers or collaborators can sign the necessary documentation in a moment. Through an email, they will receive the attached document and will only have to sign it. It is valid for all types of contracts and documents and has all the legal guarantees.

AR Vision implements Augmented Reality in a mass advertising medium. They develop customized Immersive Technology solutions with Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, creating a unique and unforgettable user experience. They work in various sectors such as education or sports.

MDurance Solutions is a digital health tool to help professionals check muscle health. They have developed a wearable Electromyography sensor, a mobile and web application, cloud storage and real-time data analysis to measure muscle activity and decide on the best solution.

Urban Green Club designs and manufactures urban gardens and premium composting systems. Its main mission is to accelerate the transition to sustainability in cities, through urban gardens. The circular economy company believes in environmental awareness for human progress.

Reviverdi specializes in sustainable decoration. It recovers materials and manufactures custom made by hand to help organize events with a distinctive ecological touch. Its products include shelves, lamps and products for pets. Be part of the innovative companies created by The Circular Lab.

Citipix eliminates mass mailbox, installing its Citipix TV screens in neighborhood communities and public spaces for internal communications and local business advertising. One of its pillars is also to eliminate unjustified paper spending. It is aimed at property managers, neighborhood communities, public administration and companies or the self-employed.