Grants of up to 75,000 euros for women technology entrepreneurs 2021

The European Commission, through Women TechEU, supports emerging deep tech companies led by women.

Through the Women TechEU, companies can access grants that are complemented by coaching and counseling sessions.

To promote female leadership in the deep tech industry to build fairer, more inclusive and prosperous innovation ecosystems in Europe.

Type of aid

Grants of up to 75,000€.Beneficiary companies will be able to benefit from the “Women's Leadership Program”, which includes mentoring and coaching sessions and networking and presentation events and the possibility of participating in specific activities organized by InvestEU and Enterprise Europe Network.


Highly innovative start-ups founded or co-founded by women who occupy a Senior management position (CEO, CTO or equivalent) in the company at the time of submission. The company must be registered and established in a member State of the EU or an associated country of Horizon Europe for at least six months at the time of submission.

Eligible concepts

Any activity that contributes to the business growth may be the subject of a grant.

financiación pública

Documents required to apply for aid

  • CV of the founding woman
  • Capitalization table
  • Executive summary of the company's business plan
  • The proposal should also include a short video.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Excellence: Clarity and relevance of the objectives of the project. And, quality of the coordination and/or of the proposed support measures; including the strength of the proposal.
  • Impact: Credibility of the proposed trajectory to achieve the expected results and the impacts specified in the program. E, suitability and quality of the measures for the expected results and impacts as established in the dissemination and exploitation plan; including communication activities.
  • Quality and efficiency of implementation: Quality and effectiveness of the plan, risk assessment and appropriateness of the effort allocated to work packages and resources in general. And, capacity and role of each of the participants, and the extent to which the consortium as a whole gathers the necessary experience.

Deadline for submitting applications

Until the 11/10/2021.More: Grants for women entrepreneurs 2021