La Biodiversity Foundation offers grants for startups, SMEs and social economy entities with projects that help improve the competitiveness and innovation of the industrial fabric within the framework of the circular economy.
Achieve a sustainable, competitive, decarbonized and efficient economy in the use of resources.
Total amount of the call
192 M€.
It is expected that within this same framework and during 2023, a new line of aid will be opened for companies in the textile, plastics and renewable energy sectors with a budget of 300 M€.
Type of funding
Grants of between 150,000€ and 10 M€, with an intensity of between 15 and 60%, depending on the size of the company and the type of the project. Grants will be granted through competitive competition.
The beneficiaries of the aid may request an advance of up to 40% of the aid.
They may be beneficiaries legal persons of private law with its own legal personality, social entities of social economy and groupings of both.
Execution time
It will vary between 12 and 36 months, depending on the amount of the aid.
Main requirements
- Be legally and validly constituted.
- Be established in Spain or have a branch within Spanish territory.
- Develop economic activity within the national territory.
- Comply with the principle of “not causing significant harm” to the environment (DNSH).
Beneficiary companies must comply with the above requirements until the end of the liquidation of the investment subject to the grant. In the case of startups, they must be between 1 and 5 years old or 7 years old, in the case of operating in the biotechnology, energy or industry sectors. In addition, the grants must have an incentive effect, so the start of the work must take place after the submission of the application.
Eligible actions
- Reduction in the consumption of virgin raw materials.
- Ecodesign and placing on the market of products made under ecodesign schemes.
- Improved waste management.
- Digital transformation of processes through infrastructures and systems.
Eligible expenses
- Personal
- External support or services
- Inventorable material
- Expendable material
- Other
Assessment Criteria
- From the project: technicians.
- From the entity: economic, environmental, consumer and social.
Deadline for submitting applications
Between the 08/12/2022 and 23/01/2023. Regardless of whether they are submitted individually or in groups, each of the requesting entities may make a maximum of two requests.
At Intelectium we are experts in obtaining loans and grants for startups. We help you assess your company's eligibility for the call. Once analyzed, we prepare a detailed report to be able to make the request and obtain the aid. We operate under a completely success-oriented model, in which we do not charge initial set up fees to start working, but we are at risk and we only charge if we get funding for the company. Contact us hither to be able to receive expert advice without any commitment.