AVANZSA 2024 Grants

The company for the Promotion and Industrial Localization of Catalonia, Avancsa, offers loans of up to 3M euros for innovative projects.

AVANÇSA, the company for the Promotion and Industrial Localization of Catalonia, attached to the business and knowledge department, offers loans for industrial startups and SMEs.

The purpose of the loans is to promote the country's industrial conversion and provide technical, administrative and economic support to companies.

Innova Lines

They offer loans and a minority investment in the company's capital, to provide financial support to innovative business projects in the growth phase. Loan conditions vary depending on each sector.

Innovate Growth

Aimed at promoting the transformation of the business model of Catalan companies in sectors related to Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT, 5G and Health.

Aid in this line is promoted by AVANZSA together with ACCIÓ.

Innova Energy Tech

Exclusive for the field of energy transition. The grants in this line are promoted by AVANZSA together with the ICAEN.

Innova Auto

To strengthen the automotive sector and the ancillary industry.

Aid in this line is promoted by AVANZSA together with the General Directorate of Industry.

Innova Fashion and Commerce

Aimed at projects that base their growth on a strategic plan focused on innovation. Grants in this line are promoted by AVANZSA together with the General Directorate of Commerce and the CCAM.

  • Type of help: Loans between 300,000€ and 2M euros. In the case of projects in the Fashion and Commerce line, the loan amounts will be established between 100,000 and 1,000,000 euros. AVANÇSA offers the possibility to companies benefiting from entering the capital on a minority basis, together with a strategic collaboration that helps boost the company's growth.
  • Fixed interest rate: 12-month Euribor + 500ppbb to be settled quarterly.
  • Variable interest rate: application of 1.5% of the Company's EBITDA.
  • Beneficiaries: Industrial companies with headquarters in Catalonia and growth potential. Companies that apply for Innova Auto grants must be at least two years old.

Aid line for industrial reactivation

For overcome the lack of liquidity necessary for business survival.

  • Type of help: Loans, with personal and/or real estate guarantees, of up to 3M euros, convertible into capital (shares or shares) of the beneficiary company.
  • Fixed interest rate: One-year Euribor plus a spread of between 3 and 5%, to be settled quarterly.
  • Beneficiaries: Industrial companies based in Catalonia, which have technological and industrial potential.

More: Grants for hiring in Catalonia 2021