Intelectium success story: Gretel obtains a loan of 180,000€ through the Enisa Entrepreneurs line.

The company, founded in 2022, has come to the market to revolutionize the way people work. Discover their story!

Gretel develops and markets software that detects anomalies and relevant activity in marketing data in real time, allowing teams to work smarter.

The idea of Gretel was founded in 2022, by the hand of its two co-founders, Martí and Alex, who are willing to revolutionize the way people work today. Currently, the tool works as a solution that gives support the marketing team, providing them with all the information they need in real time. The solution is organized as a feed inspired by social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, from which relevant information is provided about all the applications that the marketing team uses. In addition, they can be integrated with several “marketing tools” such as Google Analytics or Google Ads, among others, with just one click. The operation of the application is very simple: as soon as strange behavior is detected, it provides the necessary data to be able to analyze these anomalies and it is the tool itself that provides insights on how the situation can be resolved. In addition, the tool developed by the Gretel team is able to provide insights into the different marketing campaigns, allowing the entire marketing team of the client companies to have knowledge about their budget, operation and status, thus promoting transparency between the different members of the team.

Gretel helps to reduce the negative impact that team members are not properly informed about each and every one of the company's open marketing procedures has on a company.

The Gretel team, currently made up of 8 people, is working on a daily basis to become the reference marketing operating system for companies. Giving them a central place to keep up to date on what's happening in the company and what people need to focus on.

Who is Gretel's entrepreneurial team?

  • Martí Gou: CEO and Co-Founder. A graduate of Esade in Business Administration and with a Master of Science (MSc), Martí is a serial entrepreneur. His first experience in the ecosystem was as co-founder of Klasea, a B2B SaaS aimed at educational institutions that need to deliver online sessions efficiently.
  • Alex Hughes: CPO and Co-Founder. He has extensive experience as a product and UX designer, client development, data management and intelligence. Alex has developed applications used by millions of people, UIs used by the most important brands (Samsung, Emirates, Ikea, among others).

Business model and value proposition

Gretel's business model is SaaS B2B, supported by its own technology, it offers software that allows employees to detect anomalies and to be able to access company marketing data in real time, through:

  • Connection with the different applications that the marketing profile uses in their daily lives, such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, Instagram, Google Drive, etc.
  • Information and data suggestions that approximate what the worker may need.
  • AI and natural language processing that, combined with user activity, indexes content and data and identifies relevant information.
  • Summaries to make the data understandable. Gretel customers receive daily, weekly or monthly reports with relevant campaign information.

In addition, the Gretel team regularly updates a blog, from which they provide value and marketing content to their customers and potential customers.

Gretel's main customers are SMEs in a relatively advanced digitalization process and that use the applications that are part of the Gretel ecosystem, such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, Mailchimp, Google Drive, Notion, Slack.

On the other hand, and although traditional SMEs are more reluctant to integrate products such as the one offered by the company, the tool developed by Gretel is a great opportunity to accelerate their digital transition and reduce certain costs within the company.


Currently, Gretel's main objective is to start scaling the product nationally with the first early adopters to then be able to make the leap to the international level.

During the first part of 2023, it carried out a “soft launch” of the platform with more than 50 active users and more than 200 on the waiting list. It should be noted that the first companies to adopt Gretel's SaaS were innovative companies with an outstanding track record.

During 2023, the team is focused on following validating product market fit with the first paying customers and the opening of the product with a self-served model. The objective is to use the feedback received by the market to iterate quickly the product based on it.

For the next financial year 2024, the company plans to continue improving the product offered, especially in the area of integrations and upselling, while increasing the average ticket, as well as the customer base.

Gretel Funding

There is no doubt that the Gretel project is highly attractive to external investors: after a first capital increase of $147,000 in 2022, where important ecosystem partners such as Lanai Partners or Dídac Lee, among others, joined the shareholding, the company has recently managed to close a new capital increase of 550,000€, from which it has brought the company into Inveready, Extension (Antai) and Enzo Ventures.

How has Intelectium helped them?

Intelectium has worked closely with the Gretel team on the application and submission of Enisa Entrepreneurs, helping them to obtain funding worth 180,000€. With the loan, Gretel will be able to build both a team and a strong product, through the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies. The company will use part of the funds received in new hires for the marketing team, which will allow them to close strategic collaborations, while growing the product development and design team, to add all the necessary updates to the application and make it the most disruptive in the industry.

We will keep you updated on the company's news!

Enisa Entrepreneurs

La Línea Enisa Entrepreneurs 2023 offers participatory loans of between 25,000 and 300,000€ to co-finance the strategic plan of companies in their early stages of life.
  • Main requirements: The company must be incorporated within 24 months prior to the application and have certain market validation in the form of billing. Own funds must be at least equivalent to the amount of the loan. Unlike the Young Entrepreneurs line, founders who apply for loans through the Enisa Entrepreneurs line do not have to meet any age requirements.
  • Interest rate: A first tranche with Euribor +3.75% and a second tranche with variable interest depending on the company's financial profitability, with an established maximum limit of an additional 8%.
  • Commissions: Opening commission of 0.5% of the capital granted
  • Expiration: The amortization of the loan is up to 7 years, including the grace period that lasts up to 5 years.

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