Los “FET” projects, dedicated to the development of Future Emerging Technologies, represent one of the topics with the highest participation in the European Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i) Grants Program Horizon 2020.
As of December 2016, the European Commission has made available 131 projects on this subject, 659 million euros to support research and innovation actions for emerging technologies. FET projects are characterized by a radical start new lines of technology through collaborations between science and advanced engineering. FET participants, coming from 36 different countries in Europe, are led by Germany, United Kingdom and France. In these countries mentioned above, there is a greater number of participation and success. The Netherlands and Switzerland have also increased in these two factors over the past few years, but they still have a lot of work to do to catch up with market leaders in advanced technologies. As for first-time countries that join the exploration of these new technological trends, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta and Romania stand out. [caption id="attachment_7643" align="aligncenter” width="622"]

Infographic from the European Commission, Participation under the topic FET in the Horizon2020 Program.[/caption] Spain is in an intermediate position in the ranking, with a score of 57 points, above countries such as Italy, Austria, Norway, Denmark and Greece.
More about Horizon 2020's Future and Emerging Technologies Topic
Under the leading European Funding Program Horizon2020, there is the topic of FET. This topic plays an increasingly important role and forms part of the pillar of Subprogram of Horizon 2020, known as Excellent Science.FET is open to all areas of technology and invests in research on frontiers of transformation and innovation with high potential in the impact of technology for the benefit of our economy and society.The main mission of FET is to nourish society with new trends and technologies with which to facilitate and improve the lifestyle of society.FET consists of 3 open lines for the increase of these future technologies:
- Open FET, focused on exploring new visionary ideas about technology.
- Proactive FET, a line responsible for promoting research in the field of technology through a set of highly focused and specialized thematic initiatives.
- FET Flagships, a line that operates on a large scale with highly imaginative, science-based research initiatives that address and aim to solve major scientific and technological challenges.
Source: European Commission