Nuclis I+D Green 2024: Grants of up to 250,000 euros for projects in the field of climate change

The objective of the call is to finance R&D projects that involve high-risk technological progress, which reach a pre-industrial or pre-commercial phase.

The call for Nuclis I+D Green 2024 will remain open until October 8. In today's article, we'll tell you about the main requirements and conditions.

Total budget

The Nuclis R&D line for climate change has a total budget of 3 M€.

Nuclis I+D Green 2024 Beneficiaries

Companies with an operational establishment in Catalonia and at least two years of life at the date of the request for aid.

Projects can be developed individually or in cooperation with other companies and/or with an accredited TECNIO development partner and/or international partner.

Type of help

Grants of up to 250,000€ per project. The intensity of the aid will depend on the type of activity and the beneficiary and is defined in:

For industrial research activities:

  • Small businesses: 70%
  • Medium-sized companies: 60%
  • Large companies: 50%

For experimental development activities:

  • Small businesses: 45%
  • Medium-sized companies: 35%
  • Large companies: 25%

TECNIO accredited centers are eligible for a grant of up to 100,000€.

Eligible projects

  • R&D projects aimed at mitigating and/or adapting to climate change for companies with 250 employees or more
  • R&D projects aimed at mitigating and/or adapting to climate change for companies with less than 250 employees.

Including projects related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: the development of sustainable materials, improvements to the water cycle, progress in renewable energy or the implementation of sustainable mobility initiatives, among others.

Key requirements of Nuclis I+D Green 2024

  • Have a minimum budget of 120,000€.
  • Projects must have a maximum duration of 36 months, starting from the date of submission of the application.
  • To aim at the progress of technology. Technological progress will be considered when the objective of the project establishes an advance of at least one point with respect to the TRL (between TRL 3 and TRL 7).

One or more international partners with an operational establishment in any of the territories eligible for the call may participate in the projects, although they will not be considered beneficiaries of the aid. Those individual projects with the participation of international partners will be considered as cooperative projects.

Eligible actions and expenses

  • Technical staff costs
  • Personnel expenses of the accredited TECNIO developer
  • Expenses for external collaborations and outsourcing
  • Other expenses directly related to the project and to R&D activities
  • Audit expenses

Assessment Criteria

  • Technological value of the project: Up to 150 points.
  • Project execution and management plan: Up to 100 points.
  • Impact of the project: Up to 250 points.

Documentation required for submitting applications

  • Technical report of the project, including an executive summary of the project
  • Full and detailed project budget
  • Declaration of other aid received as de minimis


Date for submitting applications for Nuclis I+D Green 2024

Until next October 8 at 2:00 p.m.