New call for the Perte for Multisector Circular Economy 2024.

The call has a total budget of more than 26 M€.

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge has published the call for Grants for the promotion of the circular economy for 2024.


Promote the sustainability and circularity of industrial and business processes to improve the competitiveness and innovation of textiles and fashion and plastics within the framework of a circular economy, which exceeds the previous linear production model. ‍


Legally and validly constituted entities that have an establishment or branch in Spain.

In the case of groups, all members must meet the requirements established by the beneficiary entities.

The condition for being a beneficiary entity must be maintained until the liquidation of the investment subject to the grant is completed. 

Type of help

The beneficiaries of the PERTE multisector circular economy will access a non-refundable grant of between 100,000 and 10 M€ per project (with the exception of feasibility studies and digitalization projects that may receive a grant of up to 5 M€), with a maximum intensity depending on the type of company and the type of project, which is defined as:

Actions that reuse materials and recycle and value waste generated by entities other than the beneficiary:

  • Small and micro businesses: 55%
  • Medium-sized companies: 45%
  • Large companies: 35%

Environmental protection actions that affect materials or waste generated by the beneficiary entity itself:

  • Small and micro businesses: 60%
  • Medium-sized companies: 50%
  • Large companies: 40%

Digital transformation projects:

  • Microenterprises and SMEs: 50%
  • Large companies: 15%

Research and development projects:

  • Industrial Research: 50%
  • Experimental development: 25%
  • Feasibility studies: 50%

Eligible actions of the PERTE for the multisector circular economy

Reducing the consumption of virgin raw materials:

  • Use of by-products.
  • Use of materials derived from waste.
  • Remanufacturing of products.
  • Increased efficiency in the use of materials (excluding hybrid and energy efficiency).

Research, development and innovation to improve ecodesign with the objective of extending its useful life and improving its recyclability.

  • Increased product lifespan and second use
  • Increased repairability of products or their upgradability.
  • Changes to reusable products and reuse models to replace disposable products.
  • Improved recyclability.
  • Replacement of hazardous substances and substances of extreme concern in materials and products.
  • Development and change towards service-based consumption models.

Improving waste management:

  • Development of waste treatment systems and infrastructures to increase and optimize the obtaining of material for quality recycling, generating new raw materials that are used in new products (excluding use for fuels).
  • Investments in systems and infrastructures that promote readiness for reuse.

Digital transformation of processes through infrastructures and systems that allow:

  • The traceability of products, substances, materials and waste with the objective of achieving safe products and increasing the volume of high-quality recycling.
  • New business models based on digitalization as an instrument for servitization that promotes efficiency in the use of resources and reduces waste generation.
  • Return services for products used for the purpose of reusing, remanufacturing or recycling them.
  • Services based on the use of 3D printing technology with the objective of preventing waste management by adjusting the volume of material needed during the manufacturing process and, on the other hand, to reproduce spare parts that are no longer on the market, contributing to the increase in repair.

Eligible costs

  • Personal
  • Expenses for external assistance or services
  • Inventorable material expenses
  • Expenses for expendable materials, including supplies and similar products.
  • Costs derived from communicating the project with a limit of 25,000 euros.
  • Other expenses that derive directly from the action, are necessary for its execution and meet the conditions established in the regulatory bases.

Deadline for submitting applications

Until August 16, 2024.