This is a current loan with a non-refundable tranche. This aid, known under the name of the program Cervera of CDTI, is intended for individual research and business development projects, in addition, these projects must demonstrate a differential technological aspect over existing technologies in the market in order to be eligible. Cervera is to promote R&D through the creation or significant improvement of a production process, product or service with the collaboration of State-wide Technology Centres or with “Cervera” Technology Centres of Excellence. The beneficiaries of this aid are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), startups and mid-cap companies (MidCaps) with a tax address in Spain. In addition, projects must have a participation of at least 10% of the approved project by one or more technology centers. Innovative projects submitted to the CDTI Cervera Program must be framed with some of the technologies marked as priorities by the Cervera network. In more detail, a total of 27 Cervera priority technological trends have been defined, which could be grouped into the following 10 thematic areas:
- Energy Transition (Energy Efficiency, Sustainable and Renewable Energy)
- Eco-innovation
- Smart Manufacturing
- Advanced materials
- Medtech (Health Technologies)
- Safe and healthy food chain
- Advanced mobile networks
- Deep Learning/Artificial Intelligence
- Intelligent Transportation
- Cybersecurity and Information Protection

BudgetThe minimum bankable budget is 175,000€ and these can last between 12 and 36 months. The financial coverage offered by the Cervera Program will be up to 85% in the form of a refundable (TR) and non-refundable (TNR) tranche. The amount of the non-refundable tranche will be a maximum of 33% of the aid, calculated on 75% of the total approved budget. The disbursement of the aid is by default an advance of 35% of the amount granted with a limit of 250,000 euros, and the rest of the Aid is disbursed in tranches and depending on the milestones defined in the Project.The reimbursement of the refundable tranche (TR) will be made over a period of 7 or 10 years, counted from the point of execution of the project. A very important aspect to highlight is that there is the possibility of obtaining a report motivated “ex ante” binding after formalizing the Cervera loan with CDTI to qualify the nature of the project, allowing you to benefit from Tax Deductions for R&D. The deadline for applications for the CDTI Cervera Program is open all year round.Eligible expenses for the CDTI Cervera ProgramAs for the eligible concepts that can be included in the budget, such as expenses, the following are framed:
- Personnel expenditure associated with the project.
- Instrument and material expenses.
- Research costs, knowledge and patents.
- Consulting costs and equivalent services.
- General and other operating expenses (materials, supplies and similar products).
- Audit Report.