8 startups in the music industry that are revolutionizing the Spanish market.

In Spain, during 2020, the music sector experienced a 63.8% reduction in its turnover.

Although in Spain the number of startups with solutions specifically aimed at the digitalization of the music industry is small, more and more entrepreneurs, aware of the existing opportunity in the market, are venturing out to develop technological platforms that meet the needs of artists, music groups, managers, and other agents in the sector.

Today we present you with a selection of 8 projects in the music industry that are revolutionizing the Spanish market.

Drop.show has developed a platform that allows us to consult a multitude of data such as the target audience, the location or the number of listeners and followers of the different artists on the music scene. The tool also allows you to apply different filters such as the country or the musical genre, making it easier to know the artist's main data before hiring him. Drop.show users are able to find the right artist, among a database of more than 2M artists, for each event or festival.

Colkie was born with a clear objective: to contribute to the digitalization of the music industry. The team has developed a platform capable of automating existing processes along the entire chain. Through Cookie, users can book music services, connect with other users and access exclusive content from the artists they follow, and these, in turn, are able to expand their fanbase and monetize their content.

Break Event works to reduce the uncertainty faced by music professionals when organizing a live concert. To do this, it makes use of predictive models that make it possible to predict the success of concerts with more than 80% accuracy. Break event offers industry agents the opportunity to make decisions based on relevant information (demographics and segmented information, among others).

Voctrolabs is a company specialized in the generation and modification of human voices. Voiceful Editor, one of its latest releases, is capable of transforming written text into voices that bring video game characters to life. Currently, the Voctrolabs team is working on the development of an innovative project, Cantamus, that allows joint singing between different individuals remotely, through the creation of a simulated shared presence.

Acqustic came to the market as an independent music community, and has developed a platform from which they offer all kinds of services in which music is the driving force: sponsorship of concerts, creation of playlists, etc. In addition, the Acqustic team, which also organizes secret concerts, has launched Acqustic Hero, a band acceleration program, to support artists with potential and desire to bet on their own musical projects.

Bandtrack allows you to unify the music that plays in each of the stores belonging to the same company in less than 5 minutes. Thus, with Bandtrack, companies can create personalized playlists, synchronize music in stores and play it without the need for an Internet connection. Aware that 35% of customers spend more time in stores when good music plays, the company measures the length of time customers stay in the store and determines which songs have the best impact.

Odisei Music designs and markets electronic wind musical instruments. His second creation, travel sax 2, is the smallest and lightest electronic sax in the world and has an integrated synthesizer, which eliminates the latency created when playing this type of instrument. In addition, the startup has developed a mobile application to help musicians practice with the instrument.

Lacupula Music has been working since 2006 to help independent artists and labels with their musical careers regardless of the phase they are in: from the creation of identity (graphic design, web page design, etc.) to the manufacture of CDs and vinyls, the distribution of music and the promotion of it, both online and in conventional media.

More: 11 startups with hardware & wearable solutions that are revolutionizing the Spanish market.