9 steps to improve conversion

We discovered 9 steps you should follow to improve the conversion of an online business. Market research, the detection of traffic sources, understanding the visitor... are some of the key elements in order to improve your conversion rate.

Conversion is the lifeblood of an online business, while traction without results is just as inefficient as an invisible website. In this sense, marketing investments must be made with the objective of improving conversion rates and identifying the most fruitful channels for our business. Today we bring you an interesting infographic prepared by KISSmetrics and Conversion Rate Experts, which highlights 9 practices to understand the reasons for converting your business and improving it. [caption id="attachment_2578" align="aligncenter” width="550"]

Fuente: Conversion Rate Experts

Source: Conversion Rate Experts[/caption]1. Understand the rules of the game and work to define them yourself. Plan your long-term strategy and detect the factors that can frustrate the evolution of your business. But most of all, you must understand the needs and frustrations of your potential customer. As we have always emphasized at Intelectium: it's about offering a solution to a real problem that users are willing to pay for.2. Detect and improve your traffic sources. Analysis, analysis and analysis. Pay attention to the ways in which users enter: landing pages, referrals, inbound links, etc. The objective is to detect business opportunities within of your own business, strengthening them to generate better results.3. Put yourself in the shoes of your visitors (especially those who don't convert). What made them leave the page? Or leave the shopping cart before payment? Loading times that are too long, an ill-defined and therefore confusing catalog or a payment process that invites abandonment are Conversion Killers. On our Twitter we pay special attention to best practices to avoid frustrating your user. Here are a couple of interesting links:

4. Study your market. Nobody needs to have it repeated, studying the market is obvious. But what can make the difference is the way you study it. The analysis of competitors' social media activity can shed light on the successful user acquisition and community generation practices. An active community around your brand is your best advertisement.5. Enhance the hidden wealth of your business. This requires self-analysis to detect those elements that call for conversion in your business but that you may not be considering as priority resources. What attracts your consumers? It may not be what you created your business for, but it can be your best tool.6. Experiment. Renew, improve and surprise. In an environment as crudely competitive as e-commerce, keeping what works can be a very short-term strategy.7. Design websites for experimentation. Prepare your platform for testing new ways to present your content, to improve your online business processes and work with them to carry out usability studies to help you identify your strengths.8. Apply the experiments. Use tools to perform A/B testing and obtain metrics on the conversion of your websites, landing pages and experimental product pages. 9. Extend your conclusions. Once you have detected the most effective strengths or improvements, transfer them to your entire commercial funnel: social networks, Adwords, newsletters, and so on. Study how they perform on each of these channels to see if they work or if you need to develop ad hoc strategies. Conversion is the lifeblood of an online business, while traction without results is just as inefficient as an invisible website. In this sense, marketing investments must be made with the objective of improving conversion rates and identifying the most fruitful channels for our business. Today we bring you an interesting infographic prepared by KISSmetrics and Conversion Rate Experts, which highlights 9 practices to understand the reasons for converting your business and improving it. [caption id="attachment_2578" align="aligncenter” width="550"]

Fuente: Conversion Rate Experts

Source: Conversion Rate Experts[/caption]1. Understand the rules of the game and work to define them yourself. Plan your long-term strategy and detect the factors that can frustrate the evolution of your business. But most of all, you must understand the needs and frustrations of your potential customer. As we have always emphasized at Intelectium: it's about offering a solution to a real problem that users are willing to pay for.2. Detect and improve your traffic sources. Analysis, analysis and analysis. Pay attention to the ways in which users enter: landing pages, referrals, inbound links, etc. The objective is to detect business opportunities within of your own business, strengthening them to generate better results.3. Put yourself in the shoes of your visitors (especially those who don't convert). What made them leave the page? Or leave the shopping cart before payment? Loading times that are too long, an ill-defined and therefore confusing catalog or a payment process that invites abandonment are Conversion Killers. On our Twitter we pay special attention to best practices to avoid frustrating your user. Here are a couple of interesting links:

4. Study your market. Nobody needs to have it repeated, studying the market is obvious. But what can make the difference is the way you study it. The analysis of competitors' social media activity can shed light on the successful user acquisition and community generation practices. An active community around your brand is your best advertisement.5. Enhance the hidden wealth of your business. This requires self-analysis to detect those elements that call for conversion in your business but that you may not be considering as priority resources. What attracts your consumers? It may not be what you created your business for, but it can be your best tool.6. Experiment. Renew, improve and surprise. In an environment as crudely competitive as e-commerce, keeping what works can be a very short-term strategy.7. Design websites for experimentation. Prepare your platform for testing new ways to present your content, to improve your online business processes and work with them to carry out usability studies to help you identify your strengths.8. Apply the experiments. Use tools to perform A/B testing and obtain metrics on the conversion of your websites, landing pages and experimental product pages. 9. Extend your conclusions. Once you have detected the most effective strengths or improvements, transfer them to your entire commercial funnel: social networks, Adwords, newsletters, and so on. Study how they perform on each of these channels to see if they work or if you need to develop ad hoc strategies.