Grants for hiring in Catalonia 2021

Find out what are the main lines of aid that promote hiring, which companies in Catalonia can access.

What are the main entities that offer aid to promote hiring in Catalonia?

Recently, the Public Employment Service (SEPE) has published the guides of bonuses and reductions that companies and the self-employed can access for the hiring of workers. It includes, among others, bonuses derived from the hiring of people with disabilities, people over 45, young people under 25, etc. In the same way, there are other entities, both public and private, that offer monetary aid that encourages the creation of new jobs. At the national level, companies, based in Catalonia or in one of the other autonomous communities of the State, are eligible for the following lines of hiring aid.

“la Caixa” Foundation

Youth Employment ProgramTo promote the generation of stable and quality employment. With a total budget of 2,436,534€ and co-financed by the European Social Fund, the program allocates its funds to address the high levels of unemployment that have been observed since recent years among the young population, both nationally and in Europe.

-Type of funding: Direct grants of six months for temporary contracts and a maximum of 12 months for permanent contracts. The amount of such grants will vary between 4,200€ and 9,600€, depending on the type and duration of the contract.-Recipients: People between 16 and 29 years of age enrolled in the National Youth Guarantee System, at the time of hiring. -Beneficiaries: Companies, freelancers, associations, foundations and other non-profit entities that formalize the employment contract. -Main requirements: The salary received by the young person must comply with current legislation. And, under no circumstances may the duration of the contract be less than the minimum period of stay of 6 months.-Application deadline: Between 24/02/2021 and 15/03/2022.

Biodiversity Foundation

EMPLEA CallFor the hiring of unemployed people from the Empleaverde Program. The aid line, launched by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, aims to support and promote those activities that contribute to sustainable development.

-Type of funding: Direct grants of between 1,900€ and 3,440€, depending on the region and if the person hired belongs to priority groups.-Recipients: Unemployed people.-Beneficiaries: Private individuals or legal entities, based in Spain, who act as employers.-Main requirements: The duration of the contract may not be less than 6 months. And, in order to be a beneficiary of aid, one must be linked, either directly or indirectly, to the green and/or blue economy. If the second requirement is not met, it is possible to receive aid as long as the employment generated contributes to a sustainable line of business or to the management of environmental improvement in the entity.-Application deadline: Between 21/08/2020 and 30/09/2021.

MAPFRE Foundation

We access Covid 2021To support the maintenance of employment and the generation of new jobs, thus minimizing the social and economic effects of the pandemic in Spain.

-Type of funding: Direct grants with a maximum of between 2,700€ and 4,500€, depending on the length of the working day. -Recipients: People over 18 years of age, who have been legally unemployed for more than a month. -Beneficiaries: Freelancers, small businesses and social entities with a maximum of 6 employees. -Main requirements: Each employer may request only one aid. And, the duration of the contract cannot be less than 9 months.-Application deadline: Between 23/09/2021 and 30/09/2021.

At the regional level, in Catalonia, companies can apply for the following grants:

Servei Públic d'Occupació de Catalunya (SOC)

Grants to promote the incorporation of unemployed people over 45 years of age into the labor market To encourage hiring and job creation for people with difficulties in reentering the labor market.

-Type of funding: Direct aid. The maximum eligible duration will be 12 months, and may be extended to 18 months if the person hired is recognized as having a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%. -Recipients: People over 45 years of age, who have been working for a minimum of 6 months (within the last 12 months) as jobseekers not employed in the SOC and who in the last 6 months have not been working under an indefinite contract. -Beneficiaries: Individuals or legal entities, based in Catalonia, who sign the employment contract. -Main requirements: Each employer may request a maximum of 5 grants, provided that they do not exceed 50% of the workforce. And, the duration of the contract cannot be less than 6 months. Contracts that are in the form of “internship contract” or “discontinuous fixed contract” cannot be submitted to the call. -Application deadline: Between 20/01/2021 and 20/11/2021.

30 Plus ProgramTo prevent people between 30 and 45 years of age with a low educational level from becoming long-term unemployed people.

Type of funding: Subsidies for contracts between 6 and 9 months. The amount of the grant is fixed by the Interprofessional Minimum Wage of 2020.Recipients: People over 30 years of age (preferably between 30 and 45 years old) registered with the Labor Office as unemployed people seeking employment. Beneficiaries: Contracting individuals or legal entities (companies, freelancers, companies and entities), located in Catalonia.Main requirements: Each contracting entity may apply for a maximum of 5 grants. Application Deadline: Between 20/11/2020 and 22/09/2021.

The 30 Plus Program, in addition to monetary aid, includes advice for the companies themselves and, on the other hand, training (organized by PIMEC) linked to the employment contract and the needs of the participating person.Urgent employment measure due to the perimeter closure as a result of the COVID-19 MUTPTo promote the creation and maintenance of quality jobs. Employment-creating companies can take advantage of line 2 of the program, which includes grants for hiring in Catalonia.

-Type of funding: Monthly grants of 2,835.80€ for technical staff and 2,264.85€ for the hiring of administrative, specialist and unqualified personnel. -Recipients: Unemployed persons and persons duly registered as occupationists. -Beneficiaries: Companies and self-employed workers, located in some of the territories most affected by the lockdown measures in Catalonia. -Main requirements: Contracts must be of a temporary nature and in areas of general and social interest. And, the duration of such contracts will be 6, 9 or 12 months. -Application deadline: Between 1/06/2021 and 1/11/2021.

Unique Projects - Line 2

To strengthen the employability and professional competencies of unemployed people. The Singular Project allocates resources to guide, train and link young people to the labor market and to local companies.

-Type of funding: Monthly grants of 950€ corresponding to the interprofessional minimum wage, for the first six months.-Recipients: Young people between 16 and 29 years old who are beneficiaries of the Youth Guarantee and participants in Line 1 of the project.-Beneficiaries: Entities with a work center or operating establishment in Catalonia.-Main requirements: The profiles to be hired must be included in one of the following fields: 3D printing and drone maintenance; industrial maintenance; logistics, warehousing and handling; digital marketing and e-commerce; front-end and full stack and industrial robotics or industrial cold-Application deadline: Until 16/08/2021.

Although over the past few years there have been other programs run by the SOC with grants aimed at hiring in Catalonia, such as: Youth Employment Referents and SOC — JENP, The calls for these programs for 2021 have not yet been announced.

Consorci per la Formació Continuing de Catalunya

Grants and scholarships for unemployed workers and companiesThe Consortium for Continuous Training of Catalonia offers scholarships and grants for unemployed workers and companies participating in vocational training programs.

-Type of funding: Direct aid for the amounts marked in accordance with Article 13.2 of Order TRE/349/2008, of July 9.-Recipients: Unemployed workers duly registered with the SOC. -Beneficiaries: Companies that formalize contracts for non-employment professional internships.-Application deadline: Throughout 2021.

Tarragona City Hall

Grants for creating employment in TarragonaTo improve the employability of working people in the city of Tarragona.

-Type of funding: Grants of between 1,800 and 7,000€, provided that the value of these does not exceed 50% of the justified expenditure for the recipients.-Recipients: Beneficiaries of employment contracts formalized during the 2019-2021 financial years.-Beneficiaries: Individuals, individuals or legal entities, who have participated in active employment policies promoted by SMO-Tarragona Impulsa, in the last 3 years immediately preceding the start date of the employment contract. -Main requirements: Applicants must have a work center in Tarragona, or hire a person resident in Tarragona. The contract must be carried out through the use of the services of Tarragona Impulsa. -Application deadline: Until 30/04/2021.

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