Within the framework of Exponential Day and with an eye on internationalization week, the Agency for Business Competitiveness (Acció) has published the bases of new grants aimed at helping companies to question their business models and accelerate their transformation.
Grants for advisory projects to accelerate company innovation through the development of new disruptive initiatives.
- Grants for the design of challenges and new disruptive initiatives. -Grants for the evolution of new disruptive initiatives.
- Startup grants for carrying out pilot tests in collaboration with companies to carry out the validation of disruptive initiatives in the market.
In the case of line 1 and 2, companies with an operating establishment in Catalonia and with a minimum seniority of 2 years at the date of submission of the application may be beneficiaries.
To be beneficiaries of line 3, companies must have their own technology, develop an innovative product, service or business model with high growth potential and have a maximum seniority of 8 years at the date of submission of the application.
Type of aid
For line 1: Grants of up to 100% of the total eligible cost, which must be less than €15,000.
For line 2: Grants of up to 100% of the total eligible cost, which must be less than €15,000. In the case of expenses to accompany an external consultant who is an expert in new business transformation methodologies, the maximum grant will be 5,000 euros.
For line 3: Grants of up to 100% of the total eligible cost, which must be less than €15,000. In the case of personnel costs and expenses to accompany an external consultant, the maximum grant will be 12,000 and 5,000 euros, respectively.
Eligible concepts
For line 1: Provision of services from an expert consultant in new business transformation technologies.
For line 2: Provision of the services of an expert consultant to evolve a disruptive initiative through the application of new methodologies.
For line 3: Personnel costs and external collaborations.
Main requirements
Eligible services must end no later than 9 months after the start date of the call.
Documents required to apply for aid
- Technical report of the project
- Full and detailed project budget
- For Line 1, letter of commitment from company management
- For Line 3, letter of interest in collaboration with the company
Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation criteria and their respective maximum scores are defined in:
For line 1:
- Project Implementation: Structure, Management and Capabilities: 375-Project Impact: 125
For line 2:
- Project implementation: structure, management and capacities: 350 - Project impact: 150
For line 3:
- Project implementation: structure, management and capacities: 300-Impact of the project: 200
Deadline for submitting applications: Until 05/11/2021.
Grants for digital internationalization actions.
SMEs with an operational establishment in Catalonia.
Type of help:
Grants of up to 50% of the total amount of the eligible project, with a maximum of €10,000.
Eligible concepts:
- External services.
- Intangible assets.
Main requirements:
In general terms, companies should:
- Have a minimum turnover of 100,000€ during the last closed financial year.
- Have a website in a foreign language.
- Have an international promotion plan.
On the other hand, projects must have a minimum eligible budget of €10,000 and can be carried out between the date of publication of the call and up to 18 months from the closing date of the call.
Documents required to apply for aid:
- Technical report of the project
- Full and detailed project budget
- Declaration of de minimis aid received for the last three years
- International promotion plan
Evaluation Criteria
To be beneficiaries of the aid, companies must obtain a minimum score of 250 points out of a maximum of 500, on the following pre-established criteria. :
- Coherence of the action plan with the International Promotion Plan: 0/250.
- The action plan is aligned with the international promotion plan presented: 0/200.
- The company is ready to face internationalization in the chosen country or countries using digital channels: 0/50.
- Impact on internationalization: increase in exports over the next 2 years: 0/200.
- The company's journey to previous calls for the International eTrade program: 0/50.
Grants for projects to develop new business opportunities
Companies with an operational establishment in Catalonia.
Type of help:
Grants of up to 75% of the eligible project, with a maximum of 30,000€.
Eligible concepts:
- Realization, by suppliers accredited by ACCIÓ, of a business plan to develop a new business opportunity. For example: the acquisition of a new technological base, the creation of a new range of products with greater added value, access to markets in other sectors of activity not yet foreseen...
Documents required to apply for aid:
- Technical report of the project
- Full and detailed project budget
- Company strategic plan
Evaluation Criteria
- Potential impact of the project on the future evolution of the company: 0/100
- Alignment of the new business opportunity project with the strategic challenges of the company and the sector/cluster: 0/125
- Economic cost appropriate to the magnitude of the external vendors' project: 0/75
- Impact on the generation of shared value: 0/50
- Technical and economic capacity of the company to carry out the project: 0/100-Impact territorial rebalancing: 0/50
More: Other grants from ACCIÓ 2021 STARTUP CAPITAL and INNOTEC 2021