Both the central Government of Spain and the regional governments are taking steps to publish calls for innovation grants to help alleviate the economic consequences of COVID-19. In this regard, the Department of Innovation, Industry, Transport and Commerce of Cantabria has published in the Official Gazette of Cantabria (BOC) new lines of aid for Cantabrian startups and SMEs.Within the action plan of this community, there are lines of promotion of R&D, creation of companies and entrepreneurship, prospecting for new markets and internationalization and promotion of information technologies.
Innova Plus COVID-19
The Cantabrian Innova Plus COVID-19 support line for startups and SMEs is intended to promote and facilitate the development of Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i), at the same time as the implementation of innovation products and processes that are close to the market. The actions eligible for this aid will be included in the industrial sector, industry support services and activities in priority sectors and priority technological areas for Cantabria, such as: automotive machinery and components, agri-food, metal transformation, chemistry, biotechnology, maritime engineering , satellite and radio frequency communications, information and communication technology (ICT) services or nanotechnology.The Innova Plus COVID-19 line supports with 150,000 euros the promotion and facilitation of the development of business R+D+i measures, as well as the implementation of innovation products and processes that are close to the market. Applications for grants must be submitted within one month of June 9 (the day after their publication in the BOC), so the The maximum application deadline is July 9, 2020.
Innovation Checks
At the same time, the COVID-19 Innovation Checks.The COVID-19 Innovation Checks line for startups and SMEs in Cantabria is aimed at startups, SMEs and the self-employed that carry out technological innovation as a result of the new implementation of innovation tools that has emerged with the COVID-19 crisis, including everything related to teleworking. These grants are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with a co-financing rate of 50%, within the ERDF Cantabria Operational Program 2014-2020. ERDF funds play a crucial role, since they are one of the main sources of investment at European Union level, helping member states to restore and increase business growth, guaranteeing an economic recovery that generates employment and sustainable development. Source: Government of Cantabria