Intelectium Success Story: Crowdcube

Crowdcube is a funding platform that offers an investment market in private companies regulated by the CNMV in Europe.

Crowdcube was founded in 2011 with the purpose of creating the first investment market in innovative high-growth private companies. More than 10 years later, they have become a European leader with headquarters in the United Kingdom, Spain, France and Sweden.

Crowdcube is a investment market in technological startups. If you invest in a startup or scale-up through the platform, you get a share in the capital, you can share the trajectory and participate in the company's achievements, just as venture capital funds do. It is a platform both for investors who want to invest in private companies and for companies that seek to diversify their sources of funding. Due to Brexit and the new European regulation, the company has had to adapt to the new context. Recently, it has obtained approval from the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), which allows them to act throughout Europe. This license eliminates regulatory and geographical barriers, thus favoring the company's expansion throughout the European Union.

Joining Crowdcube investors is a free, simple and fast process. Starting at 10€, any small investor can start taking shares in startups and Scale-ups European countries from the most diverse sectors. Every week they launch new startups that you can invest in. In terms of business model, Crowdcube applies an investment commission of 1.5% (which should be at least 0.50€ and a maximum of 250€) on the amount invested. A success commission of 5% is also applied, if the investment made brings benefits to the investor.

Currently, Crowdcube is the only platform in Spain capable of offering startups to group their investors under a vehicle that acts as a legal representative. In this way, it makes it easier for retail investors to manage and provides the possibility of attracting foreign investors without the requirement of having a Foreigner Identification Number (NIE), which is making it so difficult for many startups in their initial stages to make their rounds so difficult.

How has Intelectium helped them?

Intelectium has collaborated with the Crowdcube team in Spain in the development of a Business Plan for submission to the CNMV, with the objective of being able to operate within the entire European territory. For us it has been a pleasure to be able to work closely with such an ideal team as Crowdcube, which has managed to position the platform at the top of the crowdfunding podium. Almost weekly we discover that Intelectium clients use their platform to complete private investment rounds, so I'm doubly proud to have been able to help a company that helps so many other companies with their objectives. We will keep you updated on the company's news!

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