Intelectium success story: El Colibrí wins an Enisa Women Entrepreneurs award of more than 200,000€.

Intelectium premiered the season of Enisas with an Enisa Mujeres worth 210,000€.

Discover the story of The Hummingbird.

Don't you have the time or desire to clean or wash your car?

The Hummingbird, a technology startup founded in 2021, offers home cleaning and disinfection services for vehicles, meeting the highest quality standards. The key to success lies in quality assurance and the detailed work protocol followed by the company's employees.

Mar Ferrín (CEO and founder) seeks to respond to the needs of new tools and solutions for clean cars and motorcycles at home in an environmentally friendly way.

El Colibrí has a very specific cleaning system, all the company's cleaners receive specific training on the washing procedure and on the service protocol. The hiring process is very simple and is carried out using an application from the company itself. The user only has to indicate the type of vehicle, date and location in which you want the vehicle to be cleaned (either a private garage, public car parks or on public roads) and add the extra services to be hired. The El Colibrí team travels to the location of the vehicle, allowing its customers to save the time they spend cleaning their vehicle.

The El Colibrí team, who shares the mission of offering a high quality service with the minimum environmental impact, follows a very specific cleaning system. All the company's cleaners (hummingbirds) receive specific training on the washing procedure and on the service protocol. Cleaning is done by hand and with ecological products that protect vehicles and keep them clean for longer, saving up to 200 liters of water per wash.

The rate varies depending on the type of cleaning and the extra services contracted, such as: upholstery on carpets and mats, polishing and tire recovery, etc. The fact that El Colibrí offers these extra services (which also include the purchase of chargers for mobile phones or other devices) allows the company to differentiate itself from the rest of the competitors, offering superior and more complete services.

Since February 2022, when the first commercial launch took place, the El Colibrí team has focused its activities on Madrid and its surroundings. Now, with the acceptance of Enisa and the funds obtained in the capital increase, the team, with an international vocation, will work to expand its services to different Autonomous Communities such as Catalonia, Andalusia or the Basque Country, among others.

In addition, the ease of the process and the convenience of hiring the services of El Colibrí is attractive to all types of customers, allowing the company to offer its services through a business model that is both B2B (whether companies that grant vehicles to their workers, self-employed and transport professionals such as taxi drivers, drivers of VTC companies, etc.) and B2C (owners of vehicles with little free time and ecological awareness in terms of consumer habits).

How has Intelectium helped them?

Intelectium has worked closely with the El Colibrí team on the application and submission of Enisa Digital Entrepreneurs, helping them to obtain funding worth €210,000. With the loan, El Colibrí will be able to modernize its fleet of vehicles to be electric, as well as increase the company's internal equipment. We will keep you updated on the company's news!

Enisa Digital Entrepreneurs

La Línea Enisa Digital Entrepreneurs 2023 offers participatory loans of between 25,000 and 1.5M € to co-finance the strategic plan of companies in their early stages of life. The budget for the period between 2021-2023 amounts to 51 million euros.

  • Main requirements: The applicant company must be a startup or SME promoted by one or more women. The woman or women of the team must hold a position of leadership or power within society, through shareholding and being part of the management team.
  • Interest rate: A first tranche with Euribor +3.75% and a second tranche with variable interest depending on the company's financial profitability, with an established maximum limit of an additional 8%
  • Commissions: Opening commission of 0.5% of the capital granted
  • Expiration: The amortization of the loan is up to 7 years, including the grace period that lasts up to 5 years.

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