With the funds received, the company has managed to develop successful projects based on algorithms and intelligence to position itself as one of the main competitors in the voice cloning market.
The Voctro Labs team, made up of audio experts who are passionate about innovation and with extensive experience in applied research, works, from its headquarters in Barcelona, with all types of clients, including creative companies, industrial companies and startups, for development of innovation projects.
The founders of the company, born as a spin-off of Pompeu Fabra University, Jordi Janer and Oscar Mayor, were part of the project to develop the Spanish version of Vocaloid (one of the most advanced voice banks in the world developed by Yamaha), in which they worked for the creation of several famous virtual singers (Bruno, Clara and Maika). And, along the same lines, are the creators of Ona, the first virtual singer in Catalan.
The company, specialized in the generation and modification of human voices, offers its customers a software as a service model so that they can be beneficiaries of the different products that the company has developed to date.
Even so, the team offers a prior consulting service to identify the specific needs of each of the projects it works on.
Its previous projects, financed with, among others, funds from the Cervera and Torres Quevedo programs, promoted the company to position it as the first solution on the market capable of offering quality and flexibility for content creators.Among others, under the brand Voiceful, the company launched Voiceful Editor, capable of transforming written text into voices that give life to video game characters through deep learning technology, aimed at post-production professionals. The solution is not intended to replace human voices, but to act as a complement to them: We want to offer a tool that allows studios to create and change voices to make their games more accessible, immersive or dynamic”, Jordi Janer, CEO of Voctro Labs.
Currently, the Voctro Labs team is working on an innovative project, Cantamus, to be funded by the Red.es program for Research and Development projects in Artificial Intelligence, focused on allowing, through digital tools based on artificial intelligence, the Joint singing between different individuals remotely, through the creation of a simulated shared presence. To this end, the project aims to achieve two main objectives:
- Add interactive, real-time solutions for remote group singing online to increase engagement, skill learning, and social bonding.
- Automate the production of user-generated content in group singing (from social networks to NFT and monetization).
Torres Quevedo Program
The Torres Quevedo Program offers funding in the form of non-refundable grants to encourage the hiring of expert personnel for the development of 3-year R&D projects.
The amount of aid is determined based on the cost of contracting, the type of project and the type of entity. In general terms, maximum intensities range from 70% for industrial research and viability projects, to 45% for experimental development projects (both in small companies).
Cervera Program
Through aid Cervera for Technology Centres, the CDTI offers funding for startups and SMEs that create or develop a significant improvement of a production process, product or service. The line aims to promote the development of R&D projects in collaboration with State-wide Technology Centres.
Startups and SMEs benefiting from the program have access to partially reimbursable grants with coverage of up to 85% of the total budget, aimed at financing projects lasting between 12 and 36 months, with a minimum fundable budget of 175,000€.
From Intelectium, we have become the leading financial partner for Voctro Labs. So far, the Intelectium team has worked together with the company to obtain Cervera and Torres Quevedo grants. In addition, we have submitted the request for Red.es 2021 for Research and Development Projects in Artificial Intelligence and Other Digital Technologies.
Although it is a very popular line of aid, we are sure that the company's potential will make you worthy of it.
We will keep you updated on the company's news!