Intelectium Success Story: APlanet secures €360,000 in funding from the Cervera Program of the CDTI

APlanet is a platform that helps organizations to manage and report all activity related to sustainability and CSR in an agile and accurate way.

Founded in 2019, APlanet has already expanded to six countries: Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy, France and Brazil. Find out how the startup works and how Intelectium has helped it to get help from CDTI.

APlanet offers technological sustainability solutions for companies to manage and report ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria in an agile and accurate way. It allows you to align the general strategies of organizations with sustainability strategies, meeting the objective of sustainable development. They also facilitate compliance with the law on non-financial information and diversity, to support sustainable development.

With a non-financial information management system, the platform is able to collect qualitative or quantitative data and analyze them regardless of their origin or format. In this way, it replaces complex spreadsheets made manually and allows us to generate immediate knowledge on compliance, sustainability and risk mitigation. It also makes it possible to report actions and generate reports based on global standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), reducing the administrative burdens associated with their management.

Implementing Aplanet in your organization has many advantages, including:

  • Reduces risks, identifies irregularities and ensures sustained long-term growth
  • Improve decisions, with up-to-date and accurate information you can make better decisions.
  • Save resources, reduce outsourcing costs and create more efficient processes

Founded in 2019, Aplanet has raised more than €2.0 million in private funding and received a grant of 200k from Enisa, which it has invested to attract talent, publicize its value proposition and expand to new countries. It has a senior team, made up of 46 professions in four locations: Bilbao, Madrid, Lisbon and Sao Paulo.

Currently, the company has closed its second round of funding with the objective of transforming the company's current architecture into a new Big Data architecture that allows the development of a real-time analysis system and a forecasting system to extract sustainability metrics. To achieve these objectives, the company has leveraged the round with a partially refundable grant of 360,000€ thanks to the CDTI Cervera program. Let's hope that with this round the company can continue to grow technologically and meet all its objectives.

How has Intelectium helped them?

Intelectium has recently worked closely with the Aplanet team on the application and submission of the CDTI Cervera Program. Intelectium has helped Aplanet to obtain funding worth 360,000 euros, of which 109,000 euros are in the form of a grant. With this help, Aplanet will be able to continue improving and strengthening its platform to be able to carry out real-time analysis and forecasting to extract sustainability metrics from the companies that use it. We will keep you updated on the company's news!

Cervera Program

Through the Help Cervera for projects in collaboration with Technology Centres, the CDTI offers funding for startups and SMEs that create or develop a significant improvement of a production process, product or service. The line aims to promote the development of R&D projects in collaboration with State-wide Technology Centres.

Startups and SMEs benefiting from the program have access to partially reimbursable grants with coverage of up to 85% of the total budget, aimed at financing projects lasting between 12 and 36 months, with a minimum fundable budget of €175,000.

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