The CDTI grants 157.49 million euros to 152 business R+D+I projects

The CDTI or Center for Industrial Technological Development grants 157.49 million euros to 152 business R+D+I projects

What is the CDTI?El CDTI The Center for Industrial Technological Development is the body of the General State Administration that guides, subsidizes and internationalizes business R&D projects, it also coordinates Spanish participation in international R+D+I organizations, such as Horizon 2020 and Eureka. It is the entity that manages requests for aid and support for innovative projects by Spanish companies at the national and international levels. The purpose of the CDTI is to collaborate with the improvement of the technological level of technology companies through the following activities:

-Approval of public aid for innovation through grants or partially reimbursable grants to R&D projects developed by companies and technical-economic assessment. -Promotion and management of Spanish collaboration in international technological cooperation programs. -Promotion of the international transfer of business technology and support services for technological R&D. -Support for the creation and consolidation of technology-based companies.

For more information about the CDTI: advice of a consultant specialized in the preparation of reports and requests is recommended to ensure a larger amount of aid and its granting. From Intelectium, we have 15 years of experience in the sector and can help you assess the fit of your project with the Programs of funding CDTI and other lines of public aid. Contact us through the web forms for more information.